Secondhand Prose

There’s been an unending stream of sexual assault stories hitting us over the last week. Let’s take a break to enjoy

What a waste of bacon.

I starred this for how disgusted it made me feel.

I’m picturing Pence sitting across from Mother at the breakfast table, their breakfast of bacon and buttermilk between them, reading this news. “The Lord has given us more work to do, Mother, we must acquit ourselves righteously and without mercy against these sinners.” And then Mike gets out his Jesus wand and they

I wish I knew computer hacking so I can get rid of orange asshole and pay off my student loans. Then I’d just donate the rest to Planned Parenthood as a giant middle finger to this whole mess.

Or on purpose.

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

Still love Live Through This and (most of) Celebrity Skin.

This is why I don’t watch “roasts.” Everyone pretends to be joking around and having fun, when they’re really just letting out pent-up anger and using it as an excuse for “politically incorrect” jokes that demean others. And everyone watching knows. It makes awards ceremonies seem authentic by comparison

It’s a sad day when Scientology can say “hey, at least we’re not CAA”.

No matter how you feel about her personally, Courtney not only made ‘Live Through This’, she also was a damn good actress for awhile before her career sadly kinda withered and died.

She’s a good actress who made the common mistake of being a woman in Hollywood who’s aged.

She was also visibly strung out and intoxicated during that whole event, in retrospect that’s probably why she didn’t think to stop from making that statement which most would consider career suicide.

I doubt Ted Cruz would ever hobnob with “Hollywood Elites”

Right. And because of his pull in Hollywood, those that did speak out had to do so with coded language. He could ruin people and I understand not wanting to cross that.

Her statement about CAA doesn’t surprise me. She’s (shockingly) a good actress, and yet kinda disappeared from acting right around that time.

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

When Courtney Love is willing to zing you (in spite of the consequences) on the red carpet at a Comedy Central event, pretty much you are either a greasy fiend or admitted to being the Zodiac Killer.