Secondhand Prose

As I walked towards a white couple talking to someone a few days ago, I overheard him ask the couple “...but what kind of vegans are you?”

I’d be interested to hear from someone who’s been an adult leader in both organizations.

“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

“I hate everyone in the White House! There are a few exceptions, but I hate them!”

Trump has said “nigger” out loud, continues to say “nigger” out loud, and there are reportedly tapes from his Apprentice days of him saying “nigger” out load.

Listen I remember going to JC Penney with my mom around 88-89 and absolutely NEEDING LA Gear sneakers and Stonewash jeans for school or I’d die or  something. It was crucial

Corey: 7 most embarrassing moments in blackness.

Not only different activities but a completely different vibe. It’s not exactly girly-girly. But the GS sash in my closet has a sewing badge, a theater and fire-making badge. I bet boys didn’t have sewing and theater.

That was mean. I laughed tho.

The odds wil be good, but the goods will be odd.

To try to inject race into this discussion seems a bit forced. You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

Furthermore, Brown said Tracy’s actions have caused “substantial damage” to the relationship the police department has with local hospitals, nurses and other health care officials that “will take considerable time and resources to rebuild.”

Michael, I love you, but you’re wrong here. Slapping Mike Pence is one of the few sane things that I could actually imagine Trump doing. Even if you’re doing it for insane reasons, it’s not insane to slap Mike Pence.

Regarding #1: If the stories are true, there are out-takes from The Apprentice where DJT drops the n-bomb. Once a week, I remember this rumors and hope that someone in the NBC archive room leaks these to the press so we can hear Trumputin in all his racist glory. Then, as you point out, we can hear the republican

I’d rather have a requirement for medical examination by an impartial doctor (i.e. not the president’s pet quack). I mean, Jimmy Carter is 93 and I’d much rather see him be president right now.

Fuck me. As someone who takes hip hop pretty seriously, I have never been a fan of Eminem (not because he isn’t talented; he clearly is, he just doesn’t appeal to my sensibilities) but this is REAL.

I don’t think women are responsible for their husband’s actions. In fact, I don’t think women are EVER responsible for men’s actions. I think a lot of women can be in complicated relationships with men who they love, and it might take a lot for them to leave him.

A 6?

Matt Damon has four daughters, people! He’s now contractually obligated to care about women.