Secondhand Prose

Pence is in California, to talk about tax reform and fund raise. Trump talked to Governor Brown on the phone and pledged federal support.

Same could be said for all candidates: California is kryptonite — the Democrats shy away from us as well, except when they need our money, to show that they are really in touch with middle America.

Oh, hey, I’d been wondering about this...! Since California is, like, BURNING and shit, I was curious about whether or not we’d get any world-leader attention, y’know, like the way the hurricane people do? But no, nobody’s speaking up. Not a single tweet out of Twitler or Congress or Hollywood or anyone else... not

I’ve.... never seen the word “little” spelled with two ds and an apostrophe before. I think I’m just going to crawl into this bottle and stay here for awhile.

I’ve posted before, but it bears repeating- He doesn’t give a fuck about us out here because he lost this state in the general election by a considerable margin. One might even say bigly.

We’re burning to the ground in California, and Trump tweets about the NFL.

Methinks Empty Capone Safe Dude protests too much. I wonder what his female interns have to say about him.

Personally, I’d prefer to fight 100 duck-sized horses over one horse-sized duck. But that’s just me.

Our president is basically the dumbest person any of us have ever argued with on the internet. Next he’s going to claim that the mods are biased against him.

It is irritating when I agree with Trump on things but we are coming from different angles.

Duck measuring sounds quackers.

So, like, how big’s your duck?

And, because Terry Crews is such a gift of humor and joy to this planet, I’m posting this happy gif:

ohmygod. Terry Crews is one of my favorite people in entertainment. I hope this will be a wake up call for idiots who say to/of the female victims: “Why would you put yourself in a situation where you could be victimized?” or “Well, she should have been more aware of her surroundings/dress/the vibe she was giving

And a fully grown man that is as jacked as Terry friggin Crews, at that. Obviously, no one should be assaulted, but can you believe having the confidence that nothing will happen to you if you assault a man that looks like he could kill an elephant with his pinky? Fucked up.

You know we’re fucked when Condoleeza Rice is warning about unnecessary, poorly-thought through wars.


What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?

Fuck. This just shows the level of power and hubris these men have. At a public event you assault a full grown man because you know he can’t do anything about it without being the one to come off the worse for it.

God bless Terry Crews, a national treasure.