Secondhand Prose

Current Hill staffer, yep. It’s less an issue of politics and more an issue of the personalities of the Member and senior staff. Some people are assholes, some people are bad at dealing with stress. It’s well known which offices are good to work for and which are bad. On the dem side, Barbara Mikulski used to be well

I mean, on the one hand, not surprised, on the other hand... it should be unusual?

hello, former Hill staffer checking in to say....this isn’t unusual.

And it doesn’t have a head...

Let me know when they have a hairless option.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. what a scary looking thing. I like to think of myself as an open-minded person. Welcoming of opposing viewpoints. Downright eager even to learn from world-views different from mine but who in the very actual fuck would find a a headless lump with a moving tail calming?

He thinks he’s Monty fucking Hall (RIP, btw). He thinks a desperate crowd of hurricane survivors are an audience. He thinks he is the benevolent game show host, and that giving out “prizes” will win him the adoration of his loyal viewers. This is actually a horrifying tableau reminiscent of feudal times. The people of


I’ve got no shock left for anything Trump says at this point - he was always a dim-witted narcissist and asshole who I now suspect must be suffering from some sort of serious cognitive decline - but....the government refused to lift food stamp restrictions...?

The man was on tape saying he grabs women by the ‘pussy’, and it’s Cintons fault for not seeing him as a threat...

It’s crazy, isn’t it? I hated “The Man Show” and its consistent casual misogyny, but I’ll be goddamned if Kimmel hasn’t really won me over this year. He’s knocking it out of the park. I’m proud of him. And the Fred Rogers intro was inspired.

It really says something that the comedians are the ones to hold guilty parties feet to the fire in wake of unspeakable tragedies and not our alleged government leaders. Elected officials who are supposed to serve their constituencies but instead gladly accept money from the corrupt, soulless people who are

Kimmel started the show (before this monologue) with a clip of Mr. Rogers talking about being kind to others. The whole thing was well crafted and movingly delivered. He’s turning into a great voice of conscience.

“I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. That certainly hasn’t helped there.”

Once again, this headline from the Onion is heartbreakingly pertinent:

If only a good guy marksman, who just happened to be in the area, with a high power scoped sniper’s rifle who had a clear view into the 36th floor room of the Mandalay Bay room where the shooter was perched, had been there, then all of this could have been avoided.

For years these motherfuckers have been trying to tell me that rap concerts were dangerous

If 20 dead white elementary school kids in an affluent community didn’t do it, I don’t think anything will.

So, when will the white community do something about their love of guns and violence? When are they going to do something about their need to inflict pain and suffering on large swaths of people to make up for their own inadequacies. When are white people going to do something about their people’s terrorist tendencies