Secondhand Prose

I was thinking about his civil rights activism. To me, it seems that it all worked to serve men. He fought for sexual freedom (for men to freely enjoy women), he fought for women to get the pill (so that pregnancies wouldn’t hinder men’s sexual activities with women and men wouldn’t have to worry about being

But apparently he didn’t call them bitches, so he’s a national hero.

But he was a civil rights and free speech leader, right?

I’m totally shocked that a man who made his career objectifying women would abuse them and treat them as disposable. Shocked.

Please, do not feed the troll.

And the fucking thing is, it HAS BEEN a community effort. With next to no outside help the last two weeks, it’s been pretty much nothing but a community effort with the people trying to help each other as best they can. But it’s freaking impossible to help someone who’s diabetic when there’s no refrigerated insulin or

Wow, what a piece of shit you are. Go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

I’m sorry, but you need to find better Boriquas to hang around. I know many Ricans who would tell you that your statement is full of shit - my husband included.

“They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.”

I bet if Puerto Rico announced they were seceding to Cuba or the EU, we’d have 50,000 troops there before you could blink.

Debt that he contributed to with that defaulted golf course deal. HE’S FUCKING GOLFING RIGHT NOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Fun Fact, he’s part of the reason PR is in such debt. When his resort down there went belly up, it left the government with a yuuuuuuge unpaid tax bill.

Yeah, nothing about Trump’s own actions surprise me anymore, he’s shown himself too many times for any of us to be surprised by it (appalled, sure, just not surprised). But I remain absolutely fucking baffled at how millions of Americans have accepted this and continue to accept this.

donald trump makes the world a worse place.

I’ve been feeling pretty depressed about the outcome of the German general election last Sunday, but then I look to the US and feel almost privileged that we get another 4 years with Merkel. She has her flaws, but good Lord, this vile orange piece of human garbage is intolerable!


And apparently if Puerto Rico weren’t so deeply in debt, they never would have been hit by a hurricane. The leader of our nation is a truly terrible human being.

You have to admire how, after Charlottesville, Trump isn’t even pretending to not be a racist piece of shit.

We’re starting this war again, huh?