Secondhand Prose

Grits, like many grains and starches, are actually just a cheese and butter delivery vector. Lots of cracked pepper is also good. Save the sugar for dessert.

Yeah, she’s a brittle skeleton at this point.

Even in death, this fucker manages to skeeve another woman out with his selfish, inappropriate, fetishizing bullshit.



but my issue is; where was the outcry towards the actual force that’s already being applied?!

I watched the video and I have to say that, yes, the cops were being pretty rough, AND the woman was being unbelievably self absorbed (not respecting the time of the other passengers) and refused to leave on her own, even when she begged the police to allow her to leave on her own.

Yeah, with all that recycled air and the way people keep screaming at me that a single speck of contaminated dust will cause them to explode and die then you’d think it was damage done. Maybe, just maybe, she was full of shit and just didn’t like dogs or wanted to ruin someone elses day to prove she was important?

We live in a world were animals are allowed on planes, so if you have a SEVERE allergy the following would have probably been a more reasonable route:

If you have a “life threatening” allergy to dogs wouldn’t you want to get off the plane.

It has been very interesting to see people’s reactions to his passing, to say the very least. I was over on another site and the adulation for his impact and legacy is.........disturbing. I mean. Are we going to act like he didn’t prey upon the insecurities of women? Or that by and large his version of the perfect

Jesus, that’s creepy. But at least now there’s precedent for when I tell my husband I’m getting buried next to Grant Gustin instead of him! 🙄

He may not have called them bitches, but he sure as hell didn’t respect them. I will never understand the Hefner apologists - it is no coincidence that Cosby and Hefner were best buddies and at least one of the Cosby rapes happened at the Playboy Mansion.

I will never understand this dude’s popularity with women. The man basically kept a creepy babe-zoo in his house and only supported ‘women’s empowerment’ as long as it fit his idea of women being naked and not being ~prudes~ about it. If literally any other man did this, would we applaud him for being an ‘icon’?

Ugh. That is all I have to say.

Thank you for your pedantry. You really set the record straight. Thank you for your extremely useful contribution. Please let the record show that my pedantic friend here is correct.

Hmm. Lets see. This happened in 1990, which coincidentally is when the first IT movie was released. 27 years later(also the period of time between when IT is active), she gets caught. This is either extremely well planned viral marketing, or this woman is actually Pennywise.

This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.