Secondhand Prose

You’ve just posted about 8 times, probably 500 words. Why would I need to talk to you further to ask what you really meant? Was your meaning not plain in the first post?

You can start by not making this about you.

You should probably stop making things all about you and #NotAllWhitePeople’ing everywhere.

Hi, I’m also a white lady. It’s no one’s responsibility, in these incredibly difficult and important times, to “take time” and tell you, an incredibly privileged person, how you are seen by people of color. You do not get extra credit for doing what we should all already be doing.

I’m going to call bullshit on you attending protests and supporting anti-racist causes, or you wouldn’t post such an obnoxious Racism 101 question on a site like this.

Are you serious with this shit?

If you’re not offended then this article isn’t about you.

They probably have some kind of arrangement that works for them. He’s being way too flagrant for her to gave no idea. His name is on the fucking mailbox! Nine miles from her house!

The answer is probably somewhere between not going out of your way to be offended by someone trying to find humor in an extremely depressing scenario and not intentionally missing the point.

Even more shocking than that is some of these morons who we have to share the planet with don’t realize that Puerto Ricans are American citizens. I’ve seen so many people saying that they should help themselves and when told that they’re citizens (which doesn’t matter anyways because it’s a fucking humanitarian

As if it wasn’t known ahead of the election what a total shithead Trump is..... But still, the absolutely craven indifference to the American citizens’ plight in Puerto Rico shows the depths even this pathologically-lying racist can stoop to.

I love actually watching the clips of players taking the knee while people boo. Because here these players are, being quiet, looking at the general directing of the flag, yet there goes white people, not having being quiet, booing over the music, making it difficult to even hear the anthem. Yes... let’s all remember

I love that I can tell it’s a Michael Harriot article just by the headline. Keep it up.

I kind of expected the article to be blank when I clicked the headline. It’s not but comes to the same conclusion. I was poor as a kid and for a long time we couldn’t afford the glasses I needed. Badly needed,i couldn’t see more than two feet away from my face. I got some eventually, probably through some charity that

Kinja needs other options for flagging posts, and this makes me think one of them should be “I’m concerned for this poster’s mental health.”

Never get into a fight with a poker-playing Trump supporter before you have a chance to take all their money.

You... You know, Howard’s not here... right?

You know who else didn’t want to be President? Bernie Sanders. Yet he ran anyway because a bird landed on his podium and he thought it was an omen, but he had birdseed in his pockets the whole time to feed the pigeons. Pigeons, man, who feeds fucking pigeons?