The Nightly Show as it evolved was always on point and unrelenting in its criticisms of America’s many issues. I miss it so!
The Nightly Show as it evolved was always on point and unrelenting in its criticisms of America’s many issues. I miss it so!
I doubt he really understands Puerto Rico is part of USA even NOW. He probably thinks about PR the same way he thinks of Iraq and Afghanistan: foreign places we control, full of ingrates who take our money. I guarantee he doesn’t think of Puerto Ricans as U.S. citizens, and bet he still refers to Puerto Ricans living…
About the same as the odds of him knowing that Puerto Rico isn’t full of Mexicans.
I’m not so sure someone has told him. First, the concept needs to made into a cartoon and then it needs to make it into his large print Reader’s Digest 2-pager of current events. Second, can you imagine how he might react to the news that there are 3.5 million more Hispanic Americans than he originally thought? Nobody…
this show is such a crap idea, all around
cause what we really need right now is another white man with a show an aside, I am taking a perverse joy in the Facebook posts from right-wing assholes that swear they’re going to boycott football forever now. No, you’re not, dipshits, you’re not fooling anybody.
You forget that Trump doesn’t care about facts. You can tell him Puerto Rico is part of the US but his gut tells him that they’re brown and speak Spanish so they’re a threat to American jobs!
Dale Earnhardt Jr. is publicly supporting the protests. If Trump decides to come for him too*, it could be an amusing base breaker.
What are the odds he knows today? Who can convince him that brown people are Americans, too? He will never believe it.
I guarantee that at least 85% of this country never heard of the word “dotard”prior to Kim Jong Un using it. Threat of nuclear annihilation aside, he’s done more to advance the education of America than Betsy DeVos could ever hope to do.
Trump doesn’t give a shit about Puerto Rico because his wall would keep them out anyway
And they did it when I literally needed the show the most???? never forget.
If you can suggest a way he can handle the aftermath of Hurricane Maria by mocking and yelling at Black and brown people, I’m sure he’d be interested.
I can’t help but feel like that show is needed now more than ever.
Hey fellow old people! Remember back in the 1980s when Trump wanted to be the Football king with the New Jersey Generals and the United States Football League and take out the NFL? I do. This is just Trump having a disgruntled football business failure flashback while scoring Bama “plantation politics” points.…
There is sooo much going on, like bad weather, bad missiles and all he worried is about important stuff the SPORTS!!!!