
Just buy it from that asian dude, I want him to be able to afford a lawyer and to be able to go to NYU.

Where are the wikileaks haters now?

@Berkeley: story telling at its greatest.

@iamgrady: is it super if everyone has it?

@tunsky: lies. the moons gravity is only 1/6th that of Earth's, but it is still very much there and consistent between all active participants.

@KenJr: Hero, is far fetched. However, yes I do agree with Assange because he has no rational reason for doing this. He gains in no way by this belief and I believe in the future Assange is trying to bring about. The reason you feel he is a hero to the writers and readers of Gizmodo is not because be cared about this

@Tonttunator: You're missing a closing bracket. Since you were so keen not to have someone reply because of the question, I thought I would because of something else :P

@ModernBawhair: I was thinking that too, and that it'd be dangerous to attach things while the cars were moving. But then I realized that these conveyer belts are moving REALLY slow. At least that was the impression I left with because it made the most sense.

Isn't that just a kinect with some software that has headtracking capabilities?

@Robotronic: Or couples realizing that their spouse is as secretly addicted to porn as they are.

@sam4sb: without the slideout controller you'd need to buy some type of usb or bluetooth addon to control it but yes any device could run the software. It would be sweet.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: They really need to change the firmware on their PS3s to be the same as the Android version that is Google TV. That would get so many more people interested in buying it.

Everyone else is being so mean. Giz I love that you provided this guide. Moral grey area, morally wrong or morally right, guides are always nice. Thank you.

@Christian Lindfors: or he knows exactly how to spend it and knows that spending on a "mansion" he will have to abandon is quite pointless and not worth his time or revenue.

AH.. everyone is forgetting its biggest flaw. The lack of an optical/trackball.

Someone help! Get those sand knights a guide. 'How To Train A Sand Dragon'. Please. Thanks.

@espinha: So you're saying if I accidentally jumped too high, and reached 60000 feet, the FAA may get mad at me for not clearing it with them first?