
@fallorn: [SPOILER] Like the article mentions it's a bit of a spoiler to talk about Revan but I'll mention it since you asked. Now.. ok I don't know if Vader's potential is supposedly higher than Revan's but the last time I checked Revan is considered to be the most powerful of all force wielders. In kotor2 they just

@PsychoSuperman: BEST way to differentiate: Build SOLID hardware at many price points(based on built in hardware) and just put STOCK Android on all their phones, as soon as the newest version is released. BAMM. Differentiated from every other company making Android phones.


Now just have USB ports to allow me to charge my phone. Shouldn't be hard at all. Imo, they were just lazy not to include it.

@paradox: But this gives you relatively instantaneous warmth. You're correct in saying that it doesn't make sense to keep the heat running always. But it would be nice for those moments you need to just run out the door and didn't have time to preheat your jacket..

The only reason it makes sense for Facebook to "tweak" the Android OS and put it on phones is to expand their advertising reach. Right now none of the Facebook apps show adds and if they were to show adds, it would be based of Google's API's. Doesn't quite make sense for Facebook's already billion dollar revenue

@OMG_cartman: Jobs "stole"from Xerox park, but Xerox got Apple shares for it. Bill Gates just got Jobs to tell him what the idea was and then MS built windows without access to Apple's code. So no.. not the same and having 6 files "lifted from Java's source code"

@ALT255: ???.. Did you miss the part where its a risky procedure used for leukemia treatment and only 1/3 people actually survive it?

@SparklyJesus: Well I was making a joke but since you're asking me why. I'll try to make an educated assumption. Probably just the simple reason that it is unique. Numbers are used for everything these days(Chrome, Firefox, Eclipse, Android). You ask someone what they are running on their phone. It's not exactly

As for number 2. I don't think Google can do much about that. I think it's up to us as consumers to show both carriers and manufacturers that we want clean stock Android with all its features and we are not going to compromise.

@SparklyJesus: would you prefer if they marketed it as "Android 3.0 Honeycomb, no homo" ?

Cool now we just need to install automated driving AI and we have our first most basic Cylon.

Why can I not just have a "Search" key <= would be very handy. Perhaps even just a open tab key would be nice seeing as omnibars search these days. But yeah.. why can they not just add "shift" functionality to the "Search" key to modify it into a "CAPSLOCK" key?

@Jeremy Donnell: well imo.. firstly you claimed that LOIC is somehow malicious towards the person/people that download it after the article explicitly stated that the code was open source and therefore carried low risk of carrying malicious code. Personally I'd be more worried about using IE 7 or lower than

@kyre: I just want to point out that, just like the article says, wikileaks is not affiliated with these attacks. Please don't make up accusations. To the best of our knowledge wikileaks hasn't tried to attack sites or to impose anything. This is a random group of hackers that share their view or just like to mess

@Brian Wright: I just want to point out that, just like the article says, wikileaks is not affiliated with these attacks. Please don't make up accusations.