
@Christian Parrinello: Agreed Apple has large profit margins. However, compare any of the US/Canadian mobile telecom companies to the Eurasian ones and you'll see just how much their profit margins are. The only difference between Eurasian telecom and North American is that outside of NA the consumers hold all the

@SPni: Imo when all my data is on the, cloud like it is. An integrated SIM that could switch between ALL carriers worldwide and which would reduce space required and make it more power efficient. I don't see why anybody would object to it.

@Dodge2002: I'm not gonna lie to you I don't believe Apple makes good software. However, their hardware even with the slightly higher price is probably the most integrated and well engineered out of all the companies I have ever bought from. Except Nokia. But that is why, at-least, when it comes to laptops I will

@Mecharine: True.. alright well that sucks for him.

Also.. is the kid even at fault if they are stolen? He did his part in asking if the products are stolen and as long as he was lied to as well. The punishment for him should, theoretically, not be very bad at all.

who gave slwex80 a star he just trolled all over these comments.

@RaindropBebop: yeah but by the time this guy is done his masters jobs will probs be in a better place.

IMO its time to team up with Google. All of a sudden Android phones don't need much power to run games and OnLive would get a shit ton more subscribers.

@whatne1wuddo: like the soon to be released Nexus S..

@MaCuban: because its so easy to build an interceptor tower. wasn't it shown of at that security conference in may to be only like 1.4 thousand dollars and a laptop to build one? NFC is way safer and with the magic of faster processors, the encryption and security can be exponentially greater than even chip and pin

He probably just paid a guy to pay a guy to send him a threatening letter.. getting advertising over Gizmodo is as easy as implying Apple is on your tail and buying a friend a coke for sending the letter :P

Any phone that needs its apps coded in VHDL and flashed to an FPGA is my kinda phone :)

@goldflow: Also developers that want a fair experience to all gamers don't want a persons wealth/power to transfer into the virtual world. Keeping the players with large amounts of real currency from purchasing rare ingame items just because everyone else is not as rich IRL.

@quillaja: Women are as impressed as long as they don't know where the food came from.

@minimaltek: I like to play with bots and get them stuck in loops or just bug them out in anyway at all. Its a lot of fun to find where the programmer's logic failed.

@Xeiphyer: Except Blizzard's games.

lol I'm glad you can still log in using written passwords. Can you imagine trying to access your phone on a drunken night out. I personally wouldn't be able to form words let alone sound like myself :P

@tasteskindasalty: Its for development. Always has been. Everything else its used for is secondary.

@psychiccheese: Caprica didn't get picked up for season 2. So no :P we don't even have that lol.