
Also, lets please learn to be up to date with our vocabulary. What I mean to say is that, I do believe, in a post HIMYM world the colloquial short hand for "I rest my case" is "LAWYERED!".

@Shamoononon: lol its an hour away from palm springs. That's about the same amount of time for any modern suburban adult who needs to get to work in the city.

@Mike43110: Alright like sorry I guess. Here I am like with 6gigs on my mobile phone like that is ridiculous.

@theKing: It probably has to do with sticky keys. I ing hate sticky keys.

@CaptainJack: I don't know if that is entirely true. Both Apple and MS' searches that you are talking about arn't "predictive" like what Google is claiming theirs is. Spotlight and Start search just narrow down all the programs on your computer using partial string searches. While Google claims that they "know" what

@Mike43110: A month? or a day? 1gig per hour is hopefully what you meant to say because you live in the year 2010. You do, don't you?

Nokia hands down builds the most durable and long-lasting phones. If and only if they ran Android I would already have bought one. Maybe if this MeeGo is either a) a competitor, ie works flawlessly and has apps, or b) is some form of magic OS that is operated by my very thought and I never had to touch the actual

@Altima NEO: Its as bad as it seems. Remember that expertment in science class or at science world where the guy is laying down with a brick on his stomach and someone swings a bat at him and breaks the brick. The brick breaks, ie takes all the energy and shoots it in random directions. Therefore, his stomach only has

@webdevmike: When it comes to TVs though, which are pretty optimized already, unlike phones, which are constantly updated with new chips because of new, better touch screens to make them greater for consumers, most of the hardware in TVs stay the same. At least to my knowledge. So updating drivers shouldn't be a

@atkailash: so you don't use Netflix? local video rental stores? anything rental stores? World of Warcraft maybe? How about water? Do you keep your water after you've purchased it or do you consume it, flush it away to be recycled into more bottled/tap water and then you move on to buy more of it?

@Nikkoli: I don't know when Nike's patent when live or when it was submitted but if the patent was post July 4th 2010 then this guy is in the clear because he has a video of 1.0 (as they call it in video two) displaying this idea to the public. So hopefully, if he hasn't already patented it, it will be un-patentable

Ellison's got balls that's for sure. Oracle is in no need of help and especially not Hurd's aggressive cost cutting style of help. Unlike HP Oracle has talent and puts out quality products because the employees are doing a good job. Scaring these employees and cutting their salaries may not be the best thing for

@silkworm: If this was a serious post then in my opinion you need to either laugh her into it. ie make her think it is a joke. OR for your birthday tell her you want something that she probably wont wanna do but it has been your fantasy for years and would really love to try it. You can then either say "vibrator" or

and its easily recyclable.

@NoelVeiga: dude.. the graphic is supposed to be humorous. Please try and remember things, graphics more-so, on the internet are not meant to be taken seriously. Especially when they involve 'trying to be witty' one liners that are badly phrased. I really hope you are just having a bad day and tomorrow you will

Guaranteed If this was Steve Jobs' face there would have been five different deformation of character law suits, against ConsumerWatchdog and everyone involved, that would have popped up three seconds into its first screening at times square.

@baneyu: Lol.. you bought a one time purchase $20 dollar email client? So how long before it became outdated and needed to have you spend another $20? Or are you just willing to use non-updated products? What about bug/exploit fixes after some hacker find the code and is sitting there reading your email? Cuz both you