
WHERE IS THIS EXACT AD BUT THE ONE FOR FACEBOOK!!? A company that actually wants to sell your information rather than just use that data to better target ads to you.

@Yeah!: You need to know what is inside the box so that you can start thinking of things it doesn't contain.

You know what I want to see. I want to see paper like a polaroid. But it reacts to light frequency (ie. color) to "print", more like burn an image onto itself.

@TheCrudMan: dont worry cannon just made that new sensor. im sure itll be in their next version of this concept I want to like this but I don't have the option.

@muppethead: If you can tell them how many jelly bellies can fit in the largest crater on Earth's moon.

Lol. What a bunch of loser Swedes how wouldn't they already know that their home country won the world cup?

@chodaboy19: I hate when people try and generalize like that. MS cannot be sounding like Apple, from five years ago. First off they haven't innovated anything. Second they aren't trying to use a controlled platform. WP7 sounds like any other Windows software that is licensed to all hardware manufacturers with

@Quinto_28: Imagine someone that works constantly in two countries. ie Canada and the US. Two sims now lets him/her not pay extravagant fees while roaming.

@Joe: If anything I am glad he went to Google. It just shows that he was just doing a test of MS's mobile browser rather than promoting MS.

In the land filled with Bluetooth: "WTF, is an audio jack? Gimme a bigger battery!"

Good for camping. Bad for dentists that recommend nighttime brushing.

@Myrddon: Guys.. the only reason I EVER got to play bunker-wars was because Blizzard is just a lazy developer so they gave us the tools to make the game. Yeah.. what a bunch of lazy assholes those Blizzard devs must be.

@KillerKoala: I would imagine the "ground" cable is just not mentioned as by technicality.. it is a loop and therefor just one copper wire going there and back. Or more likely it is just not mentioned for the sake of "Ohhs" and "Ahhs".

@blash: It's Intel. If they say they are going to do something and then spend 8 billion on it. They've done their research and most of them have probably taught EECE 101. I don't think you need to worry about them.

Lol, So if I drop it on the metal side instead of scuffing the metal it will now bounce and have a second change to land on the screen and ruin that. GOOOD!

@Worf: Cuz I can litterally "Jump In" side of/into a 360 right?