
@sweetelectro: I am 98% sure you are able to cache the online apps on your SSD like you can cache a webpage on a browser today. It would be pretty pointless to install a 32GB SSD for just the lightweight Chrome OS.

Honestly I would be totally down for an AM transceiver chip in all portable devices. Because it could then allow me to send 911 emergency messages no matter where I was or my surroundings (to a degree obviously a solid box wouldn't be feasible but I think you get what I mean). Also hopefully because of this new

Honestly I would be totally down for an AM transceiver chip in all portable devices. Because it could then allow me to send 911 emergency messages no matter where I was or my surroundings (to a degree obviously a solid box wouldn't be feasible but I think you get what I mean). Also hopefully because of this new

So.. yeah instead of having one, short, distinct message that can be translated they've decided to confuse all decently intelligent life out there, SWEET!

@daewootech: What about molecular level nano-bots that fit together like lego and can transmit signals between them to remember/transition into different "states" (not "states" as in a state of matter but "states" like an electronic state machine)? When it is transitioning between states it would seem to look a lot

@angelfan91: Na you can accidentally touch liquid nitrogen as long as you get it off you as quick as possible. You can even stick your finger into the vat and pull it out quick and just like the trick where people can put there finger through the flame of a candle, it wont hurt you. This is mostly because unlike any

These types of shenanigans are why I don't have good Sonic games to play!

@Luke Forester: LOL. Sir you make me laugh. "BEST product" sure from a hardware standpoint and a software integration standpoint but my version of "BEST" is one where the user gets to decide what functionality is just right for his/her personal use. None of this no flash because its a resource hog/ no using volume

@Tyrunn: Anyone thats ever owned a PSP or a Nintendo portable device knows that they need to take a charger with them for any trip longer than 8ish hours. So if anything, after all this new tech is added there should be no real change to that 8 hour time span.

@Paper-Cut: snapdragon by itself is an architecture not a chip but agreed when you specify it to the 1Ghz model it is now old and dull, yes.

@Billybird: From the looks of it, it is like an half an inch deep. For me that classifies as a bulky phone. Now unless that phone has good reason, ie hardware keyboard, like the Droid did, it is terribly designed.

@Secant: Right and I forgot the dual HD front facing cameras on the TV that allow for 3D facetime from the living room.. my bad.

LAME.. where is the actual TV? If I wanted a set top box that could connect to the internet I would've already hooked up my PC to the TV.

@SkipErnst: Guys I use a car I am a cyborg. BE AFRAID!

Way to be slow Apple, you're dropping the ball. I mean where is the Mac vs PC advertisement of this to scowl the names of both Microsoft and, Flash loving, Adobe?

@jplown: Sorry this site is called Lifehacker but I see how you got it confused with a site where they tell you how to clean bottles by buying the correct tools from a store.