
@Nitesh Singh: ..OOOORRRR the more likely reason, the Apple guy fucked up on a design decision and was asked to leave the company and the guys from Palm just plain don't like the HP merger. Or sorta less likely but not totally out of question the HP board decided to cut cost because they already had higher ups that

@OMG! Toast!: Make a video tutorial on "Understanding the Cube"


Correct me if im wrong but it just seems visual in this scenario is excessive. It would be far more logical to put this system into headphones that way you don't have weird magnets hanging off your glasses nor do you have to wear glasses if it is not needed. And to replace the LED directional correction system just

@sip: Haaaaaave..... you met sip?

Know what I'm waiting for. Detachable microphone so I don't need to own two pairs of head phones. On the go/Vent. Also, sometimes you just don't feel like looking dorky with a microphone pointing upwards while you are just chilling listening to music.

Honestly if google just adapted Gtalk to be "waves" instead of IMs this whole thing would have never happened. I don't exactly use Gmail chat much but I use it more than I did wave but it would have been a really nice implementation if Gtalk and Gmail chat were waves and it would store all of my conversations online

@Kuwabara Kazuo: Yeah but no half decent girlfriend would allow her boyfriend to actually call 911 if it were just a prank.

In my opinion this is the opposite of a problem. If I wasn't an avid internet surfer and wanted to only watch Youtube and go on Facebook why buy high speed access to every site in existence when it may (I say may because no one knows what the prices will be) be cheaper to just pay for exceptionally high speed access

@eeJonathan: No actually I don't care. My point is there is a market for higher quality channels and if people so choose they should be allowed to pay for higher quality website access.

@eeJonathan: single question. Do you subscribe to HD channels?

@Liam: System: A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.

@moonshadowkati: stack overflows are the same no matter what browser you DL the "program", font if you will, from.

@casperiv: Innovation is key. You don't necessarily need to be fixing something when trying to make it better.

Death of the mouse my ass.. SC2 has two more expansions.

@Zordon: and a lota hot twins.

If a phone wasn't released in the last few months it really doesn't make any financial sense for companies to update the phones firmware for free. Especially, when they can "offer" software updates and new features on a new phone that consumers will pay $600 for.

@Lokitoth: the best way to use an ac for a desktop is to buy a minifridge, leave your desktop in there and cut a holes for the cables.

I would have enjoyed watching an actual conversation. All we saw was some dude rant about the middle of nowhere for 3:50.