
Can't they just put a "diesel" sticker there. I've seen lots of pickups with that

Yes, they are lucky people. I know cars are expensive in europe too, but here in south america, with the low income, is a sad display of cheap dewoos and kias.

wow, and i though $70000 for a gt86 here was bad... those prices are just insane.

Now I want a 6 wheeled ute!!

I'd expend all my movie budget on this and shoot the movie with an iphone.

hey, why are this russians speaking english?

Right movie, wrong car.

You can have an animated gif avatar? I didn't know that... I'm gifing up right now.

Using normal tools and skills

To people complaining about the price, recently there was an article here here on how some car in brazil aren't as good in the safety department as their european brothers. That's because is cheaper, so even if is the same car, the company adjust to what you can pay.

In this case, is not a $130k car as some are

Taxes, that's what it costs there. If you import it by yourself is your problem, but if this is from a maserati dealer, then they are selling a 400k car and it should work.

Count me in on that one, panic is my only solution to that situation.

Now playing

that was a great save, but no match to this one of Mark Higging, you can see him working the pedals and steering, is amazign. go to 0:54, one of the scariest thing I've ever seen.

Now playing

Thanks Jalopnik, once again you show me something that gives meaning to my life.
thank you thank you thank you

This is missing the part where the atv explodes in a ball of fire..

count me in on this, is harder to get the info this way...

It doesn't matter wich model, as long as comes from this company. From fiat to ram, from a magnun to a 500, you just can't go wrong

This is my answer too. Anyway, it has to be a Jeep/dodge/chrysler.

We do get those here in Ecuador, but not anything like the Holden with corvette engine, just small pickups like this one: