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Reminds me of that bit he did on Leno whe he said "raising your kids rich is the worst thing you can do for the people they are going to impact later in life".
He's great, I recomend his "consumers and capitalism" talk in opie and anthony, brilliant guy.

Yep, that was my suggestion too, a ute yould be amazing. (is down there in the grey area with all the other loosers, i'm not good enough for kinja.)

What the fuck is this guy talking about? they have the answer right here:

That's what i was thinking, a battery doesn't suddenly die like that....

So when would you say they stop looking like cars? I'll say 60's maybe.

For us spanish speaking people you can't beat these two:

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Idon't know why (I really don't, I've been thinking about it for a while) but this is awesome. This guy's whole channel is great.

how much is dental service in the US (with no insurance)? I've heard of people flying here (Ecuador) to have their teeth fix, is supposed to be cheaper even including the whole trip...

This is a great question, thanks for asking the guys, i wasn't around at the time this was going on

You missed one, the one that marks the biggest diference between a good site and an awesome site: ANIMATED GIF!

That would be my number one

Awesome gif man..

We can start with those SLS hinges, you call that an explosion? I want an explosion blasting those doors away, that looks weak.

I didn't like that recommend thing, I'm glad its gone. The links are nice i guess, I don't know anything about those others sites but i was looking around and i found "Which Female Morning Show Host Is Afraid of Her Own Poop?" and "Game of Boners" so no, I'm not going back to those. There are some bad articles here

yeah, I hated how tjalopnik got the hyundai "suicide" ad off youtube some days ago just by complaining. It was a good ad but all that "offend no one" political correctness thing is huge in the US.

Liking #7 makes you a man

Suicide is fun, as aids (I agree with the smoking tire on that one) and of course 9/11. The whole concept of "Political correctness" is the single worst thing in the world right now and we should fight it. the ad was fine, and now it's down because of this.

Finally! a veyron that looks like someone has been using it. good.

This is so poorly written is funny. And a little sad..

Same here, If i didn't watch the race, i won't open jalopnik until after I do.

Yeah, It does tries to hard. The alien in the bag part was really funny though