Because then it isn’t a general lee charger anymore. A flag, on the roof of a car, in a videogame, is not racist
Because then it isn’t a general lee charger anymore. A flag, on the roof of a car, in a videogame, is not racist
“So get your hate out of here.” Name one episode of the Dukes that showed hate? The flag was not an instrument of hate like the Nazi symbol, it was a battle flag of people who are actually veterans of the US military. Do I support the South’s fight in the Civil War, nope. But I respect the people right to fly that…
So because you don’t like something it should be banned? That’s the un-American thing I've ever heard. To be honest I'll fly whatever flag I want to fly and you can feel however you want to feel about because I don't give a fuck about what you think.
How did it inconvenience anyone before? It’s not like the General Lee stopped existing.
We banned the Dukes of Hazzard paintjob? Excellent, racism solved, everyone. Way to go. Because the only people cosplaying the single most famous paintjob for a Charger were all Klan members, no exceptions.
Because sidewall. A better ride and your rim doesn't get bent every time you hit a f_cking pothole!!!
I’ll be watching this if for no other reason than I *miss* the days when hardigree and spinelli where the main contributors to this uh, blog? Not to take away from the current staff and editors, but those were the wildwild west glory days of both content and comenterati. Today is but a shadow of it’s former self...…
What’s the fastest way I can download this movie without paying for it?
I decided to download it illegally. If he can illegally drive across the country and put people’s lives in danger, I can certainly download his movie without him complaining about it.
My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a…
I think it’s just hyperbole. No matter what you think of him, Trump is a master of social media manipulation. Since the media arguably have given up their jobs as journalists and mostly just publishes tweets and reactions to tweets, Trump has figured out that he can say the most outrageous things (whether he believes…
But isn’t this good training for handling hecklers at the club? blocking them is like asking security to take them out, don’t be that kind of comedian
The struggle-to-include-women kind of nonsense.
AMELIA EARHARDT??? What kind of nonsense is that?
It’s only a little heteronormative if you assume the genders and sexual orientations of the two cartoon people on a McDonald’s cup (am I doing this right?).
Everytime an 8 years old with armpads gets thrown off someone’s lap in a movie it’s to insult Uma Thruman. There’s nothing random about taht and it just makes sense.
I was all set to not want to see this movie but this woke whining makes me think it might be good.
Oh good, another think piece by a man telling women that they should be outraged at something instead of listening to the women involved and hearing what they think about it. Great!
Driving a car from showroom new to 1 million miles in a (relatively) short period of time is a feat of driving. That’s a person who did an amazing, physical, challenge. All they had to do was maintain the car according to spec (starting with a perfect example, mind you), and just, drive a lot.