
It wasn’t even entirely clear that he knew the in game avatars were sentient (but that could just be more of the undercooking).

I watched an episode of The Secret Life of Zoos last night (or whatever it’s called) and it had a section on three komodo dragon sisters... Magnificent creatures. And they didn’t seem to mind being handled by humans at all!

t’s been recently found that the Komodo dragon’s mouth is cleaner than ours (we have the dirtiest mouths in the natural world... gross), but that buffalos die of sepsis is due to their natural instinct to run into water - which can be filled with animal faeces. Those that don’t die of sepsis (and other large animals

Hartley Rathaway! My vote is for Pied Piper... Since in this post-Flashpoint he’s helped Team Flash already. :)

Plus the MCU has the Inhumans, what would they need mutants for... :)

You have an incredibly loose meaning for the term “heterosexual relationship” which is exactly why I said heterosexual coupling (relationship notwithstanding). A sperm meeting an egg is a coupling, not a relationship. And as an aside, science has already created viable mouse embryos using only sperm, and artificial

I’m not “ ignorant” of the argument, I simply don’t understand why it’s still being used. This argument is only valid if you think of only heterosexual relationships as being the natural, “normal” way of life - and that just isn’t true. Also, while it’s true that hetero pairings are the easiest way of creating

Oh. I am disappoint. :(

There is absolutely nothing more sexual in a gay/queer relationship than in a straight relationship. It is highly unlikely they are going to show full-on sex as soon as a character comes out on screen. It would likely be presented in a more chaste fashion anyway (as is the usual case), so what, exactly, do you think

What’s this from? I need to see it *now*...

That’s kinda what I’m thinking, except forcibly inside it. She looked pretty confused and upset when being introduced as a new team member...

Well, it’s your prerogative to not watch, obviously. But you can’t really declare it as current hot garbage if you’ve stopped watching a while ago.

Have you actually watched it, or are you just throwing up words on your keyboard? 2 was pretty terrible. 3 was better, but not great. 4 was pretty awesome. The first part of one is the only part that can truly be called hot garbage.

Probably because of Cecille’s pregnancy - she’s up the duff, and Barry knows the pain of growing up with a dead parent so Joe had to be safe too.

As the animated series also stars Melissa Benoist and Stephen Amell doing voiceover work as Overgirl and Dark Arrow (and Grant Gustin as Dark Flash) it must be a prequel, or wholly unrelated!

I absolutely agree.

Captain Marvel will at least have some pretty damn good actors in it at least.

Head-canon - couldn’t that just have been a way for Mera and Arthur to talk ‘privately’? So their sound would stay only in the bubble she’d created? There were others in the room at the time, and they wouldn’t have wanted them to distract from the exposition perfectly natural and not clunky at all dialogue.

It doesn’t normally happen, but I guessed the twist from a write up while the film was in production. And was disappointed when I turned out to be right. :(

And every now and then Lockjaw would get sidetracked from their mission because... ‘Squirrel!’