
After watching Onward, and even from the trailers before, I’m not unhappy it didn’t get a big-screen release - after Good Dinosaur and all the Cars, it’s one of their most meh... I can’t see Soul being given a small screen release, it appears to be much higher concept. But I’ll definitely watch it either way.

I don’t know if obvious is the right word, but it’s what sprang to my mind first.

I’m not in America. I’m in the UK. In Europe. And I can tell you that we do also have wheat and gluten intolerance here, and we also have ADHD. And according to the ADIAFG, there is around 10 - 20% of the French population diagnosed with gluten intolerance. I think, maybe, your misconception of your view of the French

Cena for Kite Man!

Are we so desperate for representation that we give ‘comedy’ sexual assault a pass? Even in this day and age - with the #metoo movement still happening, the widespread condemnation of rape culture, and trying to make the world see LGBT as not just a sexual label?

After having watched the Supergirl teaser - Alex locking Supergirl up in what looks to be the reactor Prison from Flash, and saying all manner of mean things to Kara while rocking a plait and ignoring Kara telling her they're sisters - I'm inclined to believe there's much more going on than just Barry/Ollie body swap!

She was still in the act of regenerating. We saw the energy still coming off her later in the episode. The Doctor has already grown a limb back during a regeneration episode, so there is a precedent. 

Yeah, that’s... that’s not a thing. “Men” don’t identify as women. Transgered women identify as women.

I agree. If, however, there’s even a tiny hint them using any form of alternate universe... Then there will likely be no true death for any character. I’m hoping they avoid that.

Are you sure? Maybe it was just too traumatic to remember, so you blocked it out?! :)

They still have two deaths that appear to be permanent and are not part of an “unsnap”- Vision and Gamora.

I think, and correct em if I’m wrong here, we are collectively trying to get DC to bring a little light into it’s grimdark universe. Where they do well, they are congratulated (Wonder Woman; scenes in Justice League; etc.)

Except he was directly responsible for the death of the Fiddler... That’s a pretty big “Damn it, Barry!”

Not gun free, no. Non-lethal. But also with speeches.

But you can’t use that logic - he saved Vanessa, which means he never had a reason to commit suicide, which means he never joins the X-Men, which means he doesn’t meet Firefist, etc... Right up to the point where he wouldn’t have reason to go back in time in the first place.

There is a copycat, but Hal had an increasing blood spot on his shoulder in the same place Cheryl shot him. She also tracked the Hood to behind Betty’s house where he cleaned up. Then when Betty got to the hospital, Hal told her they just kept missing each other, which would only make sense if he was also the one she

I didn’t assume - I asked if that were the case. If you answer in the negative, I’ll have to take your reply at face value.

Are you asking because as a DC fan that’s what you’ve become accustomed to?


Insightful. Truly...