
Context is everything. Int hose days, when mispronunciation and misusing language drove evolution, we didn't have the formalised rules and teaching that we have since had for many years. The way language evolves has, in itself, evolved. The equivalencies you are trying to use are simply false. They have been correct

Because language evolving, and mispronouncing words are the same concept are they?

I forgot another one: Investigatory/In-vest-ee-gate-or-ee...

I'm actually a cuptin...

Dropping a letter is a very different prospect to swapping letters around. Would you allow Guan-ta-ma-no? I know plenty of people who have trouble with that word (I'm rehearsing A Few Good Men for the Edinburgh fringe festival -there are other doozies: Bethesda/Bes-thed; Judicial/Jood-ikal), but swapping is just plain

LOL! ...'comparing gay rights to civil rights is HUGELY insulting'... Gay rights are civil rights. D'oh! You do realise that those things you used as an example are things that people are actively trying to take away from gay people? No, obviously not. Your view is: eww, they do what in bed? Ewwwww, gross - I don't

LOL! Again... ...'Means he's not a great player'... Certainly. So awful that he was (before he came out) expected to be drafted in a much earlier round. Professional sports pundits/sportscasters, including Texan Dale Hansen, are incredulous at believing there were 248 better players than him... LOL! You are just full

LOL! ...'every kid needs to decide whether they're gay or straight'... Like it's a choice...

As the age of consent in Scotland is 16, she would consider herself legal.

April O'Neal's Father. Not April. He says "...heroes are not born: they're created. That's what your father and I were trying to do."

You mean the picture right at the top of the article, that has been referenced under the fifth photo up from these comments?

Whilst I love it, it's not really a 'belter'. It's a gentle ballad... C'mon guys!

During an interview, it was stated that Kevin was just 'some guy who worked at a Walmart, who killed people'. But I'd prefer to think he was a 'Jason Voorhies' or Michael Myers' type guy.

Erm... Have I just been sent back to April 1st? Or is this genuinely serious? It is quite obviously a ball with tentacles. You can see the manufacturing marks...