seax fiend

I thought that too, until I got the worst case of food poisoning I've ever had, in Ecuador, at ... a KFC.

The least believable thing about this is that John Boyega could be a Stormtrooper. At 5'9", he's a little short.

Please, PLEASE tell me that this photo is real and not Photoshopped.

That's pretty much the distinction. If you ask the officer, "Am I free to go?," and s/he says, "no," but you're not yet in handcuffs or in the back of a patrol car, then you've been detained. Once the bracelets go on, they're reading your Miranda, and the back door shuts and locks, you're under arrest.

I'm not a lawyer or a cop, and despite the different ways these statutes appear on the books in over twenty states, I'd say yeah, you're probably right about that — although AZ is one of five states in which police may "explicitly impose an obligation to provide identifying information." Whether that means verbally or

I mean, actually, the way the statute seems to be written in most states is, in a detention or "Terry" encounter, they're actually detaining you on the suspicion or knowledge that you've committed a crime; in Dr. Ore's case, that crime seems to have been jaywalking (made somewhat suspect by the other people in the

In a "stop and identify" state, you're certainly free to leave your ID at home, but if you're stopped by a police officer in a detention encounter and fail to produce identification when they request it, they can (and will) arrest you.…

There are, and Arizona is one of those states. The law isn't that you must carry your ID at all times, though; it's that, in a non-consensual "detention" encounter, you must provide ID if police request it, and if you fail to do so, they can arrest you.…

Da fuq you tryin to say, kid? English: play that game.

Exactly what I was going to post. Well done, sir.

More like this, please.

Thank you. I scrolled down the comments to look for this and I was not disappointed.

Checking in to put a lie to all the easy stereotypes about Heat fans. I'm a die-hard; grew up in South Florida, been a fan since the expansion. I've rooted through the down years and championship years alike. Don't have any excuses for this series because there aren't any — the Spurs blew us off the court, and you

No travel. Two steps after he picks up the ball.

This is awesome for me, because I play pickup basketball and also love drinking pickle juice. For serious. It's a win-win.

No, please stay. That was shoeperlative.

I'm with you re: that fucking commercial. I have an 18-month-old son, and I know damn well that if I take my kid out in public during nap time, I get what I get. It's not the responsibility of everyone in the vicinity to not wake up Sleepy Jr., and if I shushed another adult out in public I'd fully expect him or her

"I have me a jawb and I ain't got no time for readin' dur hur hur but I sure do have time to log on and post a dumbass comment that shows ever'body I ain't got no readin' comprehension skills dur hur hur"

We're gonna need an animated .gif of Daffy posterizing Bupkus.

Bushmills? That's Protestant whiskey!