
Quad HD is 2560x1440? No... it's not. Not one bit. Quad is HD is exactly four full HD quadrants, or 3840x2160. And the "full HD" descriptor exists because 1280x720 (720p) is referred to as "HD." And 1920x1080 is also referred to as "HD," so they added in the "Full" to make it more clear.

I don't understand why

Stone Levitation Ale. It's in the same calorie wheelhouse as Bud Light Platinum, but it is one of the best beers or any kind on the planet in my opinion. It certainly destroys any beer on this list.

I never owned a Sportcross, but I did have an IS300 sedan. It was the best car I have ever owned, and I miss it dearly. I have always said that I will buy the first good Sportcross I find on sale, but I have never found one.

That is better than anything I have watched on TV in at least a decade.


- Still Bitter But Now Very Conflicted Niners Fan

I like the Raptor just fine. But I like my Tundra better.

My 2012 Tundra Rock Warrior was 36K out the door. Call it 12K to add a full Total Chaos long travel kit with fancy bypass shocks and all the goodies. Add 5K to that to fully long travel the rear end as well. Add 7K for a TRD Supercharger to take it to 504HP.

So there... a 504HP Tundra with more suspension travel

Oh yeah... if a dealer can't sell it to you immediately, then it's REALLY difficult to get. Standard dealer lies.

The 3.4L V6 4Runners are possibly the greatest small(ish) SUV ever built.

You had to special order the manual sedan? I walked on to the dealer lot and bought my manual IS300 in 2002. And there were four others there. It was no special order.

It is when you park it next to a Tundra.

Wait... there are small trucks that aren't Tacomas?

Who the hell buys them?

I'm pretty sure Patrick Willis played with a club for the good part of a season a couple years ago.

I was going to travel to GB and root for my Niners... but the fact that Lambeau is still mostly bleacher style seats and I'm a super tall dude with back problems put a stop to that. Also, I'm not too fond of 0 degrees.

Now playing

Obviously, you want to listen to the music you listen to most often, and are most familiar with. But a good test track I have always relied on is this:


googled it too... awesome

Hehe... "nut milk bag."