
He was just trying to protect her from getting raped and getting a STI, lol.

Should have just smacked her around a bit for mingling with untermensch.

That “noose” was the best thing to happen to Bubba. It isn’t like he is winning any actual races.

Don’t take too long getting your black ass across the street. Another nigga will pop a cap in your ass, lol.

I am fine with not watching a bunch of Africans agitating a bag of wind.

The beer virus must be the lamest pandemic in history. I don’t know anyone who has died by it, and only one person who had it.

Considering mostly blacks watch basketball, I don’t see what a strike would achieve. Whitey could care less about African tree hockey.

Lol, I’ve been drunk at bars plenty of times, and never punched out a window. Dindus must be programmed to destroy property.

If she was indeed marching with BLM, then fuck her, too bad her pets didn’t attack her dumb ass.

They are designed to be able to run away from work when they see it coming!

The kang beez dead though.

A statue has value, blacks haven’t had any value since 1865.

There is a prison right in downtown Baltimore, lol.

Hey, you spelled it right the second time! I know it must be hard with a room temperature IQ.

Where are the warehouses for single black mothers and their kids? Personally, I would prefer to put them on a ship on a one way trip to Africa.

Inner city dindus do breed like rabbits. I think it is an evolutionary development, since most of the offspring are gunned down or in prison by 25 or earlier.

Saint George died of a drug overdose.

How do you de-escalate a situation with a crazy chimp?

We can only hope, lol.