
If most of those soldiers had seen what our country has become, they would probably have been rooting for the Germans.

This other cop got off for knocking out some thug.

Most of the other white people involved in sports have been cucked and now support BLM and all that other bullshit. Urlacher tells it like it is.

Need money for that bling muhfugga!

YT beez the debil! Was she teaching Ebonics?

Lol, if they arrested the black man for her suspected murder, that would be racist.

Maybe the people who ordered the cops to do the no knock warrant on the wrong address should be charged with a crime, but the cops executing the warrant were just doing their jobs.

Just like blacks to find any excuse to get out of working, lol.

I don’t know. All blacks should emigrate from the U.S. ASAP.

Room temperature IQ, plus loads of drugs, will do that.

Niggas need their bling though.

Just more lazy blacks looking for an excuse not to work, lol. Maybe they’ll go to the club and get the beer virus instead.

He is a good shot, 2 kills and a maiming. Hopefully Trump pardons him, that would really trigger the libs.

I don’t think a rebellion of 13% of the population (plus a few Antifa wiggers) would last too long.

At least he got a couple of kills before he got arrested.

Nice shooting in a stressful situation.

They really believe “I dindu nuffin!”

Uhh, looks like he bagged two of the rioters and wounded a third.

This kid was a good shot, 2 kills and a wounding.

He wuz a good boy, turnin his life around, going to Church everyday.