Trump seems to tolerate the Jews, Kushner is his golden boy.
Trump seems to tolerate the Jews, Kushner is his golden boy.
I don’t think Israel is a big fan of Africans.
I voted for the libertarian guy, forget his name. I live in the People’s Republic of Maryland though, so it doesn’t matter at all.
I can’t say my daily life has changed since Trump was elected. The president probably doesn’t matter a whole lot to average people.
I think we would be best with a Napoleonic style empire. Most people are too dumb to be trusted with the ability to vote. An elite ruling class is needed.
Or just vote in the general election.
Probably because Biden won the primary voting, lol.
Need to build more nuke plants, and reform the onerous regulations that prevent them from being built. There are all kinds of new reactors that are super efficient and safe. Most people are too dumb though and only think about Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Mother Nature is racist, lol!
He’s a good shooter though, most people would panic and miss their target. He got two kills (including a headshot) and a wounding!
Aunt Jemima is on the scene!
Trolling is fun though. If people don’t like comments just ignore them.
Carthaginian lives matter!
They have a union already, and are bound to honor the union’s agreement with the NFL.
The funniest thing about the NASCAR flag ban is that blacks and SJWs don’t watch NASCAR anyway, so why do they even give a fuck?
It is all libtard SJW bullshit.
Aspies are annoying.
How will they afford bling and hoopties if they don’t play?
I think the vast majority of people would survive that just fine, assuming they aren’t loaded up on illicit narcotics.
Fentanyl Floyd made a lot more than one mistake, lol.