
Amerikkka is terrible, all negros should emigrate. Shit, YT would pay for it.

I don’t think Allah likes drug users, hence this bastard must have been denied his 72 virgins (goats?), lol.

Those racist zoning laws!

I guess he won’t be committing much domestic violence from now on, lol.

Deport all blacks?

Sheboons tend to fight for dominance of the herd.

We wuz Gyptians and sheeeit!

How the fuck is Jacob still stealing oxygen, JFC.

“Protect the Unborn” would trigger a massive chimpout by the blacks and libtards, lol.

We need to reinstitute segregation.

The NFL didn’t blackball Kaepernick. No team wanted to deal with the PR nightmare that would have occurred had he been signed. It is no more complicated than that. The NFL can’t force any team to sign him.

That’s what I don’t get, they usually get shot because they disobey commands or try to run away. If the cops would just shoot anyone who tries to escape, regardless of race, it would make things a lot simpler.

He wuz turnin his life around and sheeeit.

I think a lot of British cops carry firearms now, since they have been importing violent muzzies like crazy.

They should have just shot him. It isn’t like there is a shortage of people or anything.

Eh, I have no issue with wearing a mask.

Worst part is this guy got shot 7 times and is still stealing oxygen at the taxpayers’ expense. We can’t get a break.

Since most blacks are already felons they have lost their second amendment right, lol.

Why would it be overturned? All it did was change something that was already illegal from a misdemeanor to a felony.

Jew rapper...I’m a muhfuggin Kike! I ain’t no Jewish-American, I’m a motherfuckin Kike! David is a motherfuckin Kike, Abraham is a motherfuckin Kike! Why you drink so much Manischewitz motherfucker?