
Accepting free flights to attend something like a preview for a video game is unacceptable at most reputable publications.

I'm unclear where in this post anyone said anything about thinking this is such a terrible opinion for Mo to have. It seemed like a pretty straightforward, non-judgemental post.

9: Guzzling a half gallon of chocolate milk.

If not backing up a base was used as evidence of throwing a game an awful lot of today's pitchers would be banned for life.

You're only off by about 65 percentage points. In, fact about 16 percent of American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives.

I could buy the argument that names like Braves and Chiefs and Indians "honor" Native Americans if they didn't come along with tomahawk chops and war chants and horribly offensive cartoon mascots. But apparently that's not possible.

Apparently not. We're here.

It's OFF the field that lax bros are embarrassingly soft. And complete jokes.

Maybe it's a good idea to send a strong message to people that this is some serious stuff and they should get to safety ASAP. Acting like a tough guy (which you seem to think you're very good at, at least when you're posting from the safety of your computer) probably isn't the best way to serve the public.

Guess they didn't receive the advance memo that you apparently did saying it would only be a "moderate" earthquake and thus nothing to get excited about. I mean, what's the worst that could happen???

Where was Deadspin before this story was broken (by somebody else)? If Sterling's record is as blatant as it obviously appears to be, why is Deadspin just jumping on the outrage bandwagon now?

Apparently this is what passes for humor in Mr. Fontaine's world.

The fact you put this much effort into mocking a restaurant menu says more about you than Fieri, who everyone already knows is a clown.

Bullshit. There's being a poor defender and then there's not even making an effort.

It only looked good compared to all the other pitches that were so far from close.

Uh, no. A catcher is taught to block it with his body, not stab with his glove.

So really, just a once-in-a-lifetime incident unlike anything else that happens in America every day, right?

Pretty sure AA didn't arrest anybody, just reported it. Are you suggesting airlines shouldn't report potential threats to authorities? Imagine the hue and cry if they didn't and a tragedy happened.

So you're really saying "I'm part of Al Quaida" could never be construed (I assume that's the word you're looking for) as a threat? Seriously?

Not sure that's true, but regardless, only at the Masters is it decreed by the tournament itself and enforced on every broadcaster under penalty of excommunication.