That was an honest oversight, but you don’t have to guess: He’s a Democrat. I just put it in. Sorry about that!
Roses are red
Nobody’s looking for saviors here, Granddad. By the way, why not eat something?
And that poem was Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art.”
Roses are Red
(Stolen/modified from the Onion: http://www.theonion.com/graphic/derek-…)
I love this. The Lakers suck. Their coach sucks. One half of their owners suck. All their fans are like Danny Devito in Twins: the leftover shit. Fuck them. I’m happy.
Only 1 in 14 people could get through..
Site’s down. It appears Kobe bricked the Players’ Tribune, too ...
Roses are red
To steal from The Onion’s TV show, she’ll be tried as a black man.
I’m sure she’ll be treated the same as say, a male African American drug dealer with no DEA agent father?
I don’t. It’s an exorbitant amount. He should get something a bit more proportionate to the suffering he has experienced.
Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.
Oh my god. I have a friend who has been saying the husband did it and posted links that “proved” he did it. I'll have to ask her what she thinks about this. I'm sure she'll be adjusting her tin foil hat
“My boyfriend sucks at football”
“My girlfriend’s not funny”
Never want to see this happen on the pitch. Glad to see his condition is stabilizing, hoping for a full recovery.
Goes to show that soccer is hardly the “pussy sport” that haters claim it to be. Prayers to Rudy.