
How many clothespins does it take to hold back all that extra skin?

Is nothing sacred? Fake Santa stories. Thanks Obama. One last dig before you go, huh?

As Trump would say, Lyin’ Ryan Lochte.

At least we can now stop talking about unfair wages when all they do is win.
/I’ll see myself out.

I’m sure they’ll claim it was a technical failure. But let’s be honest, NBC paid lots of money to broadcast this in the US, which means their sole focus should have been on any US athletes, their stories, and certainly their victories. #NBCFail

Honest question, how exactly does he cheat? I watched the video, but am confused.

We know there are editors fast at work to photoshop some awesome Trump quotes onto those posters.

Except nobody can even see or read the signs. He could be holding a menu from Chipolte claiming it’s a list of the woman Bill Clinton banged in the White House.

Should we ignore Trump’s outright LIE that Hillary wants to abolish the second amendment?

more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.

Why did I watch that? Ugh.

This crap is infuriating. The political double-speak, the mudslinging, the misleading, misguided attempt to draw attention away from Trump’s failings. What works in their favor is that people have zero memory and the news media feeds into that by continuing to have Lewandowski on air and let him say stupid stuff

“he didn’t want to pitch on a throwback night, since he didn’t want to play in an untucked jersey.”

I imagine his word-a-day calendar as having “very” on every single page.

Did somebody say “great looking hair”?

I think you meant she worked with speech therapists for 5-6 days beforehand.

Nobody cares if they don’t play. Does anybody remember the last NBA walkout? Or care. People didn’t care Michael Vick tortured and murdered animals because the fucker can throw a football. These athletes mean nothing in the grand scheme of life.

Here is one of the better solutions. Based in NJ, as it should be.

Would also be great if people stop buying crap coming from China. Buy local. Support local. Less transport costs, less packaging, and more sustainable.