

I’m in Alabama. and it ...seems a little backwards.

I LOVE Fiats. I’ve owned 3 different modern models (500 Sport, 500 Abarth, and 500L) I also LOVE EV’s. Great to drive, and easy to charge when you have home charging available. BUT... the value proposition just isn’t there for me on the Fiat EV’s. The market already has many alternatives in the price range with

Mom lives in a condo I own. I don’t charge HER rent. No mortgage on that one either.

The casinos just offer to blank off their windows for the race, so the F1 organization doesn’t have to install all of those expensive view-destroying obstacles, then once it’s too late for them to set them up, the casinos install sets of cameras looking out on the race route, linking them to the enormous display walls

The streets will have so much paint and barrier lining them that they will be unrecognizable.

Yes, and if I were business owner being shaken down, my attornies would be filing an injunction against Liberty media for obstructiong a public view! 

If anyone is in Vegas this week, they will be there to watch the race.

If only.

The streets were made with public tax dollars and repaired with public tax dollars. The race is on public streets, not a private track!

Your politicians are at the top of the Capitalist way it ends

That’s ridiculous. Even if the restaurants pass on the $1,500 charge to customers that might be willing to pay for a trackside table, it’s overpriced. Heck, a trackside table at the Metropole in Monaco for the Monte Carlo GP is only 600 Euros, including lunch and wine, and that place has 2 Michelin stars.


buick regal tourX

Yes, that is true. But worrying about car loans when trading one mid tier car for another is not something wealthy people do.

Yes, you know how good kinja editing is.

I hate to break it to you but people with a car note on a Jeep that trade it in for a Kia are not upper income. That is squarely middle-class antics.

If the bank is rejecting your loan application they are doing you a favor. You can’t afford that car buddy.

Only if your pay went up.

Early 2000s =/= 2000.