
It wasn't exactly clear, but they're covering the final season, right?

What about Scharpling?

The final shot was perfect, but the ending as a whole, I thought it was just ok.

What's the percentage of horror movies that I have genuinely satisfying endings? I'd say about 17%
Examples of solid horror movies with unsatisfying endings recently seen for reference: The Witch, The Babadook, The Innocents

You commitment to the AVC (through posting on your wedding day) bodes pretty well for your marriage, I think.

Probably not. Would he have written for The Good Place? definitely.

Um… this wasn't on tonight. Thanks, Rocky Horror
Hey, now that I've seen the episode;
As a whole, this episode was kinda forgettable?
I thought they were setting up her high school friend to be gay, which could be an interesting storyline for someone else for this show to address down the line.
I groaned at the reveal

I think the vastness of possibility and lack of rules in the world of this show may be kind of an issue for me. It's definitely tied to the lack of stakes that Dennis briefly mentioned, but it makes a lot of the plot points seem really arbitrary. I'm still liking the show a good deal, and it's consistently landing in

Pretty unfair that next week I'll have to start choosing, between Rectify and You're the Worst, which to watch the night of and which to find on demand or on the Internet the next day.

Thought they were building up to an Adam Pally cameo, even if it was voice only. Kinda weird to keep mentioning an Adam Pally-level celeb and not include them at all.
The joke still worked for podcast-familiar people though.

"He knew all the moves"
In what was probably the funniest episode, Darius' convo with the bouncer was probably my favorite part.
I like that at this point FX is cool with letting "fucks" fly all over the place.
Also I liked the bartender and Earn's rapport (chemistry?), so I hope she shows up again, but it's probably

Jake's pizza bagel line was my fave, even if Holt was the overall episode MVP.
Also, sorry dude who played Bill, but Winston Story is not a real name.

I was thinking something similar. It kinda made sense for Tandy to be attached to the Malibu house, cause it's where he was finally included in the group, and where he reunited with his brother. But you gotta assume that Mike is still alive, and there's gotta be a way for them to eventually reunite.

That first season finale is one of my favorite tv episodes ever, and his performance in it is one of my favorite performances on any tv show.

I liked her calling out NBC: "my mom said he's going to get $10 million… from this network!!"

Why does the AV Club like to pretend like The Eric Andre Show doesn't exist? It wrapped up a great 4th season last night. By nature of the format, the bits are going to be hit-and-miss, but they hit far more than they miss. Andre is really putting his own stamp on the faux-talk show genre, and I think he deserves more

From someone who only casually watches the show, this episode was kind of a mess, but it gets a lot of points for using Can't Do Without You by Caribou for the dancing/drinking montage, cause that song fucking owns, and Caribou seems pretty underrated.

Was it clear as to the point in the season that Ginny got brought up? I thought it was pretty early on, but we're already at the All Star break? All this to say, I'm struggling to follow the pacing, but this episode was probably my favorite so far and Evelyn's big speech was maybe the highlight.

If Chidi and Tahani hook up, is it infidelity? If it is, and they do, will the world fall apart?

I was trying to remember my favorite line from the episode, so thank you for reminding me. Jimmy really does talk real good.