
It was used somewhat similarly in Everybody Wants Some!! which is great, and should be watched if you haven’t seen it

Is This It: Someday-Alone Together-Last Nite

Good call on Wolf Parade

Give me the opening triptych from De Stijl for WS

Newark Wilder-Unfair-Gold Soundz

I will take Tribulations-Movement-Never as Tired, thank you!

If you see a cyanide capsule in episode one, it will be chewed by episode twelve (ten? thirteen? how long is this season?).

Please just let Liv and Major be just friends. I’m probably just paranoid cause they’ve gone back to that well so many times, but there was a chance they were leaning back to something at the end there, and I really hope they weren’t.

Different strokes, but the Bigfoot sketch was one of the worst sketches I’ve seen in a long time. It was painfully unfunny

They know Turn on the Bright Lights came out in 2002, right? Literally any song on that album could be slotted on here

Internet-obsessed, rumored relationship ranking:

How broke that brain?

Now playing

Is Bill Murray the best guest with Time’s Up making some decent waves?

My interpretation of the definition of a ‘hot take’ is an opinion that opposes an almost universally accepted opinion. It’s like saying the 5th season of The Wire is the best- you’re not wrong necessarily, just most informed people would disagree with you

I’ve had similar thoughts on indie rock in the past, but then when I was catching up on this year’s music, I listened to the new albums from Waxahatchee and Japanese Breakfast, and they were both fantastic albums from newish bands. I guess I’m going to just have to do more legwork to discover new, good indie rock,

This is the hottest of takes. It got better every year. Season 1 was mediocre bordering on bad, season 2 was solid, season 3 was very good, and season 4 was absolutely fantastic

Personally, the most memorable scene from that season was the last one, where the fight between Brie and Gilpin went full-on 80s tv aesthetic. I had a big, dumb smile on my face for that entire scene.

Safe to say anybody who didn’t have HACF on their list just didn’t see it?

Yes. We got the end of the first season at the beginning of the year, and that’s when the show really took off, and the second season has been aces

My fave was The Old Sugarman Place. The overlapping timelines was used to great and heartbreaking affect