
As far as oral histories go, the one about The State released this year is very solid. By virtue of the form, it doesn't work perfectly the whole way through, but it is pretty interesting for comedy fans.

Waves is one of those songs where I'll never understand why it isn't a big hit on the radio

DJ Richard T. Splett may be my reason for seeing this

While in the real world, that could make sense, for the sake of narrative television, there's no way that it doesn't indicate an emotional removal

The movie as a whole didn't blow me away, but just how funny of a performance Ryan Gosling gave in The Nice Guys blew me away.

When I click on my notification bubble, it just tells me to sign up with Disqus. I saw people talking about it on a different thread before it started happening to me, but I don't remember what thread it was now.

Did we ever figure what's going on with Disqus and not being able to see notifications for AV Club accounts? If there was a way to merge my av club account with Disqus, I'd probably do it.

I don't remember it being the greatest bit, and it's bound to be forgotten, but Comedy Bang! Bang! had Kevin Pollack play the devil next to Bob Odenkirk's God, and that was fun

Is this in bad taste?

Ferguson's Wiger-imitating description of the podcast was perfect

I can definitely get behind Dodgeball, I can't believe I forgot it, but I can't get behind the Break-Up

If we're talking crazy omissions, where is Hot Rod and MacGruber?!?
It might not have deserved top 50, but I'll mention Wedding Crashers, which hasn't aged too poorly. And it's one of two movies (the other being Old School) that I can think of that justify Vince Vaughn's dominance over the first part of the century.

I don't know what you think my argument is, but what it basically is, is that if you take Suzanne out of the scenario than the scene works a lot better. Without Suzanne, we have an under-trained guard tragically overreacting during an intense situation, which is arguably what has happened in many of the real life

That's true, but by filtering the tragedy through so many layers, it is very much like the show half committing to a message. With all of that (the lack of training, the racist commander), Poussey's death should have seemed inevitable, but because Bayley was portrayed as a relatively decent person and because Suzanne

If they were truly trying to comment on police brutality, I think the mistake that was made was that Poussey's death was too much of an accident. I'm fine with Bayley being sympathetic and overwhelmed, but they gave him too many excuses. I think it comes down to Suzanne's role in the scene. Poussey's death resulted

Happy Matt Walsh is there. Tim Simons should've gotten Tony Hale's spot though, he was the MVP of this season

But HBO sure as fuck does plenty of award campaigning

There. There wolf.

Fabrice Fabrice had to have done craft services for this movie, right?

I hope this doesn't lead to a return of the commenter(s) who claimed there was a conspiracy theory behind Nick Kroll's and Tig Notaro's success. I think they may have said Tig faked having cancer