
Do we know this for certain? We have an incident that was witnessed by a third party. Was this third party then a witness later when apologies were made? I’m not saying apologies were made, but along the same line you can’t say they weren’t.

Yes! YEs! YES! This will always be my definitive cut. I have always loved the weird stylistic mashup of 40s detective noir and science fiction that it created.

Oh my god, I remember those days. That theory was horrible...and yet I love it in my memory.

Sanchez is a punk. And the Yankees suck. Tigers do too, but they suck for on the field reasons...Yankees suck because of taste and the way God intended them to be viewed by right thinking people...of which apparently none work in the Commissioner’s office....

I always thought the same thing.

Look I love Craig as Bond, but if he’s not interested in doing it anymore, I’d rather get some fresh blood that would be engaged than to see an older Bond going through the motions (a la A View to a Kill).

I made the same point to my daughter as we binged this season. So I don’t think it’s minor or frivolous...

Maybe I’m alone in this, but I always liked the narration in Blade Runner. It just seemed to blur the lines between heady science fiction and gritty film noir private eye.

He was my first Bond. It’s because of movies like The Spy Who Loved Me that I became the 007 fanboy I am today. Tonight my martini will definitely be shaken (like I am right now), not stirred.

It’s so frustrating. This show will mark the return and end of Star Trek as a TV series for quite some time. Paramount may not make the best Star Trek movies, but they at least know how to, and appear to want to make Star Trek. CBS seems unwilling or uninterested in making Star Trek. Discovery was because they

Avengers: The Infinitely Infinite Infinity Loop that Was created with that Infinity Gauntlet when that infinitely sad thing happened to the definitely finite Captain America.

she’s as normal a human as has ever stepped on tghe TARFIS

“Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what

Guess this means we can pencil the 49ers in as the next 0-16 team.

I never watched Nemesis in theaters (only Star Trek movie I can make that claim about) because of the bad taste Insurrection left.

This is the first Spider-Man movie I’m excited for since Spider-Man 3 crapped the bed. It’s easy, with the bad taste of the recent movies still lingering, to forget that Raimi’s first two outings (especially #2) were good to great movies. But even then, his Spider-Man didn’t feel like the Spider-Man I grew up with.

So Peter Capaldi is out because of flagging merchandise sales on a show that is slated to have ONE new episode this year. Oh and not to mention the complicated relationship the outgoing showrunner has with fans of the show. God I hope this turns out to be fake.

You nailed it. I’ve been telling people the same thing, but far less eloquently than you did here.

I used to absorb any Star Trek book I could get my hands on. I read a lot of them. Years later this book is the only one I clearly remember. And now, thanks to this article I’m gonna go re-read it.

TOS will always be my favorite Star Trek. But of the modern Trek shows DS9 is hands down the best. And while Enterprise Season 4 might be my favorite single season of Trek, the Dominion War is the best run of Trek ever.