
I think one place where Marvel has been really consistent in its movies (beyond plot, tone, and characterisation) has been production design, from costuming to sets to post-production. It is a problem that can mostly be solved by throwing money at it, admittedly, but the investment in crafting detailed visual

I'm sorry that you think that tolerating shitty opinions is an inherently liberal value. To salve your disillusioned heart, try sticking a knife into it.

Angry baby-man, all tantruming about people maybe wanting to see a main character that is the same gender as them, throwing out the strawman of an incredibly shitty low budget licence grab.

I'm pretty sure that was the full werewolf transformation, in that he looked (awesomely) like the classic Universal monster. I think it is a much better choice than the more wolfy look that came into vogue with the Howling and American Werewolf and has become stale.

I think that this show is built for a longer haul then we are expecting given the season length. If this were the fifth episode of a 22 episode season, I think that the pace would seem fairly breakneck, and if this show gets twenty plus episodes in total, it will seem fairly appropriately paced when considered as a

Why would you omit it? Also, again, because something is old internet news to you, you are leaping to assumptions.

Umm, yes? Do you think that there is broad knowledge of small budget horror directors' criminal records?

Yeah, but considering we're talking about crimes that occurred on a film set, involving an actor…

"Much of this mythology makes no damn sense. Nick refuses to touch Eve’s belly, for fear of learning how his future child will die… but is he planning to nevertouch the kid, for the rest of his life? "

It is subbed on Hulu Plus.

This is late and possibly already mentioned but the sentence: "since apparently they belong to a “Norse-paganist hate group,” which, confusingly, doesn’t hate the Norse or pagans, just people in general, I suppose." reveals a pretty troubling lack of understanding about how adjectives work.

Parties where Family Guy is a subject of discussion are shit parties filled with shit people. Live a better life.

I'm sorry that decade old internet stylistic conventions are so offensive to you. Do you generally have difficulties with textual cues?

That is a really weird response to a post in which I wholeheartedly agreed to what someone said.

Ummm, suggesting that teenage romantic relationships between people of the same age are meaningless is kind of insane. They might not carry the same meaning as adult relationships, but they are pretty essential for people to begin to develop an understanding of what adult relationships consist of.

Let go of the material world and let it fade away as you sink into the bath, your attachment flowing out of your wrists.

Yeah, no one should ever criticise what anyone writes because they are just words. Besides defending the cultural value of adults dating children, do you really have a point here? Perhaps you should just relax when reading my comments. Perhaps relax in the tub. Perhaps slip on some soft music. Perhaps gently slip a

Yes, that's true and that's exactly the point missed by the reviewer.


Ummm, ok, so are you protesting too much about my comments then? dao_tao, are you some kind of special idiot?