Oh, I generally love Inventories, have the book, and have read them for more than a decade. That's precisely why this one is such a garbage addition.
Oh, I generally love Inventories, have the book, and have read them for more than a decade. That's precisely why this one is such a garbage addition.
Such a meaningless thing to write, but this was probably the worst article I've ever read on the AV Club. Inventory has obviously spawned a legion of garbage click-bait descendents, but rarely does it seem so SEO-driven and machine written as its descendents. Burn this fucker down.
Well, glad that they've decided to cast a far more famous and experienced actor in the love interest role to ensure that Wonder Woman is pushed into the background if her own movie.
It is only the twelfth total episode and in that span he has had meaningful interactions with several other cast members and the broader plot. Exhibit even the tiniest bit of patience for fuck's sake.
Unless there is an analogue of JoBeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson gleefully strapping a helmet onto their kid so that he can supernaturally slide across the floor we riot.
When, in your mind, was the classic lost era of self-restraint? (Hint: it never existed and you should feel embarrassed about what you wrote)
I am ninety and I am a ghost and I am posting from hell. Tell funnier jokes or provide even the tiniest shred of insight or just, simply, don't post. Find creative expression in plotting your own misery instead.
That is a fucking pathetic attempt at a joke. If I were you, I'd stick with smashing my head into a fucki concrete wall until it was paste and leave the living to professionals (or amateurs or anyone who isn't you).
You are poorly read and as such, you have meagre insight to offer about fiction.
Thanks for the dumbest take. Always good for someone to lay down that marker.
They didn't though. There were clear arcs with each of the men she primarily worked with, and there was a dramatic shift in the mutual understandings that each had with Carter, even while the patriarchal structure held.
I find it odd that there is no discussion of Mission Impossible, which would seem to be model other than the Alien franchise of well-regarded directors making style-statement pieces centred on the same set of characters and plot dynamics, particularly since it was JJ Abrams first directorial feature.
Yeah, there are just too many movies that are tied to the experience of living on the fringes of South African/Joburg and as having a director focus on that as a setting disgusts me.
Said with such a remarkably pompous huff and puff.
No, that completely misses the point. They aren't failed attempts at making something naively bad, they are carefully crafted satirical assaults on shit comedy structures that continue to underlie most sitcoms. You are watching them with a superficial understanding of their intent. The problem lies with you.
How dare someone compare a tv show to a movie in which it borrows characters, plot, themes, and style (unfavorably)???!?
BBC America's decision to digitally compress this ep to fit it into an hour was really distracting for me this ep. Lots of soundtrack distortion and hurky-jurky movement.
His wife had a baby this year and he has the flexibility to hang out for a year due to residuals. He's done voice work (including two Disney-released movies) this year, but he is directing a movie next year with a big cast and he is part of the ensemble put together by Cameron Crowe that is also coming out next year.
A tragic tale: Two years ago this very day (give or take awhile), I was juggling a bunch of shit and I dropped my ipod into the road. It was in a rubber case and I was pretty sure that the fall wouldn't hurt it, but before I could grab it, car after car ran over it. A bus narrowly missed it, but a truck didn't.
:( It was also the last truly large storage space mp3 player, which apparently no one but me wants.