Sean Robertson

I'll stick with the marines, just minus the uniforms and all that. ;-)

Even Niven's concept is essentially just a slice of a Dyson sphere.

Not the least bit surprised. First thing I though of when I saw the headline was 212. This has been going on for some time. I'd imagine there actually is a high value for those numbers for heavily New York oriented businesses and consultants. It conveys the sense of a longer presence and affiliation with the city.

Some should be - you haven't heard some of the violinists I have! Corner of 7th St and Pennsylvania Ave in SE DC on a Sunday afternoon, you'll hear some pretty atrocious electronic violin playing - I don't think the woman's ever tuned the damned thing.

Depends on how much it was worth. The things can get rather pricey, I understand.

Have been for quite some time, as a matter of fact, but I meant turning on syncing rather than off. ;-)

This post actually helped me go the other way. ;-)

I'm calling shenanigans on that one - the finger looks way too straight and regular. Pretty funny though.

I used it and then Netscape 1.0 on the computers at my high school. I remember when we got a T-1 line installed and one of the people who ran the lab made a call to someone in Australia over the Internet (of course, I was blown away). I ended up writing a paper my senior year blasting the Communications Decent Act

What does GTFAC stand for? Can't find a definition for it anywhere.

Just keeps crashing in Chrome. #fail

What's funny about this is I was actually going to suggest a similar idea to my old roommate (who sells ads for Facebook here in NYC). My concept started out as a reaction to people adding others to groups since there's no way to mass-invite people (to ask them to join) without getting nailed for spamming (as if

Why am I not the least bit surprised they're in Brooklyn? F***in' hipsters. ;-)

"This Turntable Probably Costs More than your house is worth..." #corrections

Great, so now you can get both your iPhone and your wallet stolen at the same time more easily than ever!

LOL, nice catch.

Government would spend a lot less if we could prevent the Republicans from giving tax breaks to the wealthy and starting unwinnable wars. #fail

Damn, you beat me to it, bastard! :-P

Need a web site? I'll do it for 10K or a 5% cut, whichever ends up being greater. ;-)

You win an internet for the hipster comment (I live in Brooklyn). ;-)