Sean Robertson

Nice. I'd love to see Masdar City when it's done. :-)

I'm no longer there, but it was the best job I've ever had (moved on for more pay). I was doing web sites for Democratic campaigns full time. Love my current job too and it pays a lot better, but I miss the political aspects of the old one (on the flip side, I did get to go to Bangladesh for work recently, with a

Oy, had to know that was going south even before I expanded the replies! :-D

If his card does not have a smart chip in it (like most US cards, which still only have the obsolete-everywhere-else magnetic stripe), that could explain his difficulties. Most US cards won't work in many European ATMs since our local industry has so thoroughly failed to keep up with the rest of the world.

I was in an Emirates Airlines A380 on the way back from Dubai (trip was to Bangladesh with a layover in DBX) and I was definitely impressed. Some of that was likely Emirates upgrades, but it was definitely the nicest (and most ginormous) plane I've ever been in. Also, Emirates was the first airline I've ever flown

The device fragmentation is an absolute bitch. I recently helped out on a web-app project at work and testing for Android is a f***ing nightmare. One of the tables doesn't even report itself as a mobile device (or any other useful identifier) in the useragent string. It's not just screen resolutions either - all of

I almost NEVER use a flash, especially not a phone flash. Really don't get why people have such a hard time figuring out how shitty their pictures look with the flash turned on.

All you'll learn about me is that I have a passion for politics and history (both US and international) as well as architecture and technology. Nothing you wouldn't figure out in a few minutes of talking to me in person anyway. ;-)

I always shoot in RAW as a rule. For my purposes, I really want the added control it offers; a lot of my shots I want to be able to print and frame later on so I really want the ability to continually tweaks exposure, contrast, etc. without losing image quality. I'm also often able to achieve near HDR style images

I am generally of the mindset that it wouldn't hurt to at least know the basics. I'll say this, though: if you really want to be successful, you're going to benefit hugely if you're a naturally intensely curious person. I think this is a field that strongly favors autodidacts. I am one myself, and it's something I

She's a woman now, I think is what that meant.

I don't know about you, Kyle, but this isn't a problem I'll ever have. A phone that big wouldn't fit into anyone's pocket. :-D

Bingo. Passwords are a big fat f***ing fail. Time for biometrics, methinks.

Oddly enough I'm a few blocks from there at my office right now, waiting for a client's server to finish getting upgraded. :-/

I've seen them a few times in NYC and a lot more so in DC. They're around, just not nearly as common as they should be.

I'm with you. I live in NYC now and most ATM's here ask if you want a receipt. I almost always say no.

DC's metro is fairly clean, too, especially when compared to NYC. ;-)

He just better hope I never meet him in person. If I managed to corner Steny Hoyer, who I only had a minor disagreement with over one bill, Murdoch can only imagine the things I would say to him. Calling him a son of a bitch would be too insulting to his mother.

In all seriousness, I hand out tons off cards from and never fail to get a positive reaction from them. You really can't go wrong with $20 for 100 full color double sided skinny cards (everyone notices the size) covered with your own photos straight from Flickr. ;-)

Oy, kids these days - they've got attention spans the size of ants...