Sean R

Oh no! Especially coming from you, the most important person in my life.


What incisive criticism! You are mediocre and nothing short of the grave will cure that.

It is almost like people answer dumb rhetorical questions for critical purposes. Kill the person transcribing your fucking idiotic comments because what they are doing by assisting you is abuse of someone incapable of controlling themselves.

You are now bragging in public about shitting yourself.

So you admit that you are too fucking stupid to understand a pretty clear article?

Why? To what purpose? You have absolutely nothing to say. Your attempts at humour are feeble, hateable things. You have a wholly misplaced sense of confidence in the inanities that you may be congenitally unable to stop yourself from spewing.

Your post was specifically centred on attacking other people’s dietary preferences, you absolute fucking moron. Stop fleeing from self-awareness like a coward.

Why are you some manner of moron or simply too unimaginative that other people have different tastes than you?

I hope whoever is typing inane, moronic shit under your account is able to catch the cancer that I deem them worthy of rotting to death from.

Good on you for making your terrible life other people’s problem, you mewling fuck. Give your family the gift of the end of you under the tree.

You are so pathetically desperate not to learn a fucking thing, and yet you whine when your ignorance is noticed by others.

This year I am thankful that people like you have massively disproportionate suicide rates.

So what you mean is that you don’t give a shit about listening and really just want everyone to stop what they are doing and comfort you and let you know how smart and perceptive you are.

The only way the Last Jedi could have been better is if the characters burst out of the screen and murdered every single person who thinks like you.

We should start assuming that the left peak of a bimodal distribution of preference in the electorate is made up of Black women and other women of colour and therefore ask the following questions:

Wow, what an incredibly condescending tone to take.

Don’t you wish your parents avoided the waste of flesh that you have become by practicing safe sex or seeking a safe abortion. It is not to late to give them the holiday gift of fixing their mistake.

Snookums, I realise that you consider yourself an iconoclast and free thinker, mewling out inanities about having to hear young human beings, but actually you are existentially impotent and useless to the living. You have nothing to offer the world but the inconvenience of your future corpse, so find a sunny place

And yet you jumped in immediately to express judgements about her and how she makes a living. What do you think that says about you? Can I question your motives and your effect on the world in the way you question her? Where do you think your reflexive dismissal stems from?