Sean R

How is it physically possible to publicly admit that you share the sense of humour of the WHCA without immediately smashing your face with a brick til you hear a wet sound when the thought entered your empty fucking skull?

You define yourself through moral cowardice, pathetic worm. Oh no, people are allowed to judge other’s actions and make comments, how terrifying for shitty people!

I would consider you functionally illiterate if it weren’t so clear that your struggles with basic reading comprehension here are driven by your pissbaby misogyny.

Shit, your dad really fucked you up, huh?

It isn’t a hot take, just pretty dumb and held in ignorance of how ideas in society actually circulate. Most conservative folks hold anti-abortion views but no actual policy sentiments beyond a moralistic view tied to existing gendered power structures.

Why would you hang your personality on gleefully drinking shitty industrial pisswater? How incredibly insecure are you that you need to sacrifice your dignity like this?

Unpleasant dipshit child, go yell at water being sprayed on a fire burning down an orphanage for being worse because water thinks its so good just because it is mean to fire.

You have invested your ego so poorly that it is now a game whether you are too mentally ill to be fully responsible for how much of a pathetic, evil piece of shit you are.

Christ, you really are thirsty, huh? I’m dismissing your other replies, you know? You are too much of a coward to seek attention in real life and yet utterly addicted to this ersatz version. I’ll stop dismissing your replies for sixty bucks.

Why are you posting at all then, you fucking moron. Why aren’t you working on a cancer cure. People should only talk about the things that matter to you, and since you are dying of cancer, that should move up in priority. If you post even one more time, you are a hypocrite.

Moral coward, the reason that you seek to ignore context is because there is a little tiny bit of you that realises what useless scum you are and if you actually acknowledged it, you would shatter into a billion pieces.

Oh snookums, I know you hate women too! You don’t have to worry that I have pigeonholed you as ONLY a homophobe.

Bottom of the barrel gay jokes, two at a time, huh? Well, you haven’t made a single fucking point up to now, so why not demonstrate that you are a homophobic piece of shit? Really hammer home the demonstration of how your bigoted worldview leads you to dislike things like Discovery.

You know very little about this subject. You are contributing to the pread of inane misinformation. Fact Robot, pour water into your circuitry and burn to death, you fucking simp.

Threaded convos are hard, huh dumb dumb?

Hahahahah, you are so pig dumb that you don’t understand that opinions can be cowardly.

I actually responded to your complaints in detail, to which you replied with an insult.

And you didn’t have to attach yourself to me, remora. I guess we are both bad at curbing the actions of each other, huh?

Ok, when are you going to list them? The problems with the drive are laid out pretty clearly and are obviously going to continue to play a role in the series.

You are a coward because you will never escape the pathetic shell you constructed for yourself as a child and so can only enjoy things that coddle your sensibilities. You will never be able to accept this deficit and limitation in your character so you lash out.