Sean R

You are incapable of writing a single sentence that doesn’t reek of wholly misplaced smug pomposity. Also, reacting to the specific ethos centring your endless string of inanities - that you are representative of superhero comic book readers (and holy shit, way to swing and miss in a desperate attempt at an insult

Yes, sprint away from self-awareness, dolt.

You don’t want conversation, you want to self-soothe and whine. Your lack of self-awareness is the shiniest bauble in the hoard of charmlessness.

You aren’t entitled to conversation any more than you are entitled to control the attention of a large media company, solipsistic fuck.

You actually think you are being reasonable and thoughtful here. That level of smug delusion is depressing.

Maybe, just maybe, you fucking moron, the people exactly like you in most meaningful ways are not actually representative of anything other than your cloistered like rat king friendship ring.

You are not an impartial judge of what you speak of here, which sounds so, so, so, so, so much like you are whining that your demographic is not being as coddled and catered to as you incorrectly believe you deserve.

A single game result is the definition of a small sample size and analysis that breaks down a single game into many cases will almost definitely be a truer measure of the quality of a team than solely the result. It is mathematical illiteracy to suggest otherwise.

Yeah, how dare anyone name a child anything other than the short list of names that are most common among the ethnic and social groups of my parents. Different sounding names are unacceptable because name integrity is super important.

Do your part to create a colour-blind world by peeling off your own face and chowing down on it.

You recognise that your insipid whining is inane and tired, but are incapable of handling your shit well enough to avoid doing so. Get better at being a human being or die in a cave.

Your utter mediocrity is not related to your neurological condition, but it absolutely renders you inable to offer insight here.

What an inane contribution you have made here.

Are you some manner of moron?

It seems highly unlikely that even the combined sales of all Trump books this week are more than Rodham-Clinton’s given their respective place on the sale chart.

Rapists don’t deserve subsidised social acclaim, you fucking moron.

Yeah, he should be entitled to so any job he wants. It should totally be illegal for someone to not associate with a rapist. He should work in rape centres.

You will not find any happiness on either side of the grave.

You don’t have to ask this. It is an inane question.

The terror is in your own head. Unless you shut that down, the external world will continue to horrify you. You are your own monster, incredibly dull-witted solopsist.