Sean R

It has been previously reported that all the Trump exec office people signed an NDA.

Weird tone to take in a story that gave demonstrable evidence that the year off demonstrably did not affect the child’s game.

What is the difference in page-views between MMAfighting and Bloody Elbow? They present something close to a most similar case, but feature a vast difference in pay/employment structure.

Yeah, what interest could the reporters in a sports blog have in the pay structure of other sites? Such a mystery!

You have too few consequences in your life, little baby.

Your cognitive issues and insipid tribalism have combined to write some really inane, delusional comments. You should get some help for both.

Yeah, it’s not like CK is a burgeoning tv and film producer with a rabid online audience that would almost certainly bash any accuser given their hyper-defensiveness of him. Maybe if there were some evidence of structural sexism in Hollywood or in the culture at large that both punishes women who speak out and

Wow, what a banal inanity! You manage to even deliver it in perhaps the smuggest possible package!

Close, his romantic interest was a handmaiden of Hel named Leah. They have however thrown up a bunch of static suggesting that Loki’s relationship with Hel is “alleged” and that Leah is a younger version of Hel.

That, to be a dork, is actually reflected in the comics.

You have cancer of the smug.

Gerrymandering simply isn’t the cause of malapportionment. This has been demonstrated fairly thoroughly. It is instead the constitutional make-up of the country that vastly inflates the vote of rural states and districts, as well as geographic polarisation and segregation. While district boundary reform is important,

Remember, a number of trade unions were segregated until the Seventies, and they only integrated due to court orders.

And your pissing and moaning will?

You have a really superficial set of ideas about things. You should crack open your own skull and take a paint scraper and strip the first inch or so of your brain.

Binary thinking is a low trait to exhibit, garbage person.

I hope everything you own is taken from you, little fascist.

You are a tireless advocate for your own ignorance, moral coward.

Oh pissbaby, people upset in South Korea have experienced decades of Japanese stereotypes and racism. You are just pissy because of how it may affect one of your toys and the possibility that one day you may face consequences for what you say.

You are straight up tantruming child.