Sean R

Because they know for a fact that at some point, they will have to kill a dragon and in many circumstances (if it is half-buried after falling from a great height or if it gets stuck in a crevice or if it falls into water) they would need tow chains.

Yeah, one black per team! (You fucking knob)

That I’m perceptive and you are a caricature, who reveals them with synecdoche pseudo- jokes.

This equivalence you are drawing... it screams the type of person you are.

Croatually, you have the wrong Balkan.

You have no insight to offer. You are whining. Get the fuck over yourself.

Nostalgia is poison and you should rip it out of your brain. It offers no insights here.

The charmless and unearned egotism of the autodidact lifts its head again. Also your transparent need for attention is something you should seek professional help for, little Nazi. Further replies get dismissed unless you pay me and make me yet another findom controlling your life.

You know, maybe a poorly written, error filled screed is not a great way to rebut the contention that you are ignorant, dumb dumb.

You have never, in your life, read a peer reviewed article or academic book about feminism or discrimination. You are an autodidact on these issues, and I say that with all the contempt I can muster.

You truly are a coward. Sorry that you had shitty teachers and you find the idea of rape apologism hilarious, but maybe try reading? Even a little bit?

No, dolt. It is a term of art that contrasts the American conception of freedom of speech with other models that incorporate group rights and have bounds on hate speech in order to increase the liberty of groups targeted by said hate speech.

You can abstract anything thusly to remove any meaningful characteristics. Don’t be obtuse, you fucking moron.

Um, yeah, it turns out that protests against discriminated get a lot of press attention! You could refer to... huh, today I guess! Pretty awesome how you substitute yourself for discriminated groups and coopt their experience though!

See again, you aren’t paying attention. Canada is MORE free for folks who are subject to racism in the United States. Only someone who is already privileged with the ability to propogate hate speech on groups is less free. See, you fucking moron, there are such thing as GROUP rights, not only the highly limited,

Way to not actually consider a thing I say, shit for brains. Tell me straight up how Canada is less free than the United States.

That is absolutely idiotic. Free speech absolutism is not the only model in the world and is in fact massively harmful to folks without privilege.

The radical ideal of US free speech absolutism is just as shitty as libertarianism. It prevents prosecution against crimes committed to groups of people and provides for the dominance of corporate speech. Fuck you and die.

If those were your memories, you lived a shallow, useless life.

It is mindless fun for the mindless. You fucking coward.