Sean R

You know, you are physically capable of stopping to jog for a moment. No in is in your way.

In fact you are utterly wrong. Many bad ideas have only been minimised through acts of violence. To claim that you understand the breadth of history here is insane.

Actually, women suffer a fuck of a lot more from harassment and perpetuated stereotypes, moron. You will always place the hypothetical rights of people being assholes above the actual rights of gendered bias. This is because you are an animate bag of shit.

Yes, and a shit tonne more than half have spent their lives entrenched in a racist power system that governs the political and judicial order they grew up in, presented racist stereotypes regularly in every form of media, and live in highly segregated communities shaped by racial real estate and settlement structures.

First amendment absolutists: this type of propaganda is precisely the result of American radicalisation of the concept of free speech.

This is a dumb take. Maybe you are so used to shitty Kraft slices that wilt at body temperature, but any real cheese will not melt just through residual heat. Stop eating such garbage cheese, moron.

Fuck off with that ahistoric inanity, dipshit. You used the word because you wanted to associate the target of it with the negative traits you associated with homosexuality.

One lesson is that a child softball game result is not crucial to anyone’s life and it is more important from a pedagogical standpoint to teach that civility and character are valuable and important.

I am the cancer that will eat your fucking heart. You are filled with garbage and that will feed me til you die.

Find a bullet, just one. That is all that is needed for the job at hand, you hysterical little piece of shit.

I bet that you can find something sharp in your house to fix your problem of clicking on links for thigs you don’t wish to read.

As you have never had a single thought worth sharing, why would anyone ever listen to you whine about what you think is important?

Defensive hysterics, huh? The only moral obligation you have to your family and the world at large is suicide.

No, dipshit. A mediocre-trending-towards-terrible cartoon and a shitbag stand-up do not give you free license to use a slur and a slur isn’t robbed of its power when the group it is directed at routinely hear it directed towards them as a slur.

Your nose should be rubbed in your comment like a dog who pissed on the carpet.

Erinn Hayes was a lead in Childrens Hospital AND Hotwives of Las Vegas. Everyone should feel embarrassed at not knowing her.

Dipshit, Paul’s performance in the playoffs is ALSO REALLY GOOD. He has the second highest WP/48 among guards with more than 500 playoff minutes.

This is long form inanity, anti-intellectual magical thinking.

Fuck this moralising, Sports Illustrated-house style bullshit.

I hope that you get cancer and the only cure is fucking lava, you goddamn pus sack of toxic dumb shit your daddy beat into you.