Sean R

Your vote doesn’t matter. You, on a fundamental level, don’t matter. Your smugness is toxic. You disgust me.

Yeah! She is also doing it for matching funds, like Lyndon LaRouche!

“These days” is a fucking idiotic thing to say. Nothing you note is in any way new and, in fact, basically all mass media is semiotically denser and more structurally complex than at any point in human history.

So motives should be pre-judged before trial? Particularly if random militant groups put out a press release? You really are a dumb motherfucker, you know that?

Your pedantry is the result of a tumour in your brain. Gouge it out with a spoon.

But what is really called to mind is the deliberate decision to excise that word, thereby not eliding the issue but actually confronting it.

No one gives a fuck. Christ, I hope your Monday is terrible.

Your parents were cowards who couldn’t be bothered to learn how to raise their children. All the hits you took made you, based on a wide array of quantitative evidence, a shittier person.

Your parents were terrible and, based on all available data, made you both more violent and more of an asshole. You should spit on them the next time you see them!

Actually, there are forms of political expression protected in the workplace constitutionally, particularly when not standing for the anthem is specifically contractually protected as well. You have a real internet understanding of speech.

A) Develop a sense of constitutional rights and liberties more complicated than an SEO orientated web-comic.

Yeah, just compartmentalise shit so that you can retain tribalistic loyalty to a fucking school.

Oh dear... you poor sweet stupid child.

Yes, “informed” is a binary condition. If Clinton’s most recent pap smear isn’t reported, democracy falls.

Wait, a professional model had a lot of photos taken while on a working vacation?!???????

You are a real wuss.

You need to give cash to me if you want to talk to me. You don’t just have to pay for sex, you have to pay for anyone to bear hearing your most innocuous thought.

Real intimacy is performing your sister’s abortion.

Actually, given the requirements for transportation and scheduling, a four dollar an hour wage is likely more costly to more people than not working. Fuck off and die!

What kind of tiny-dicked bid for self-importance is this? Smugness is a bad look on a busted a self-presentation as yours and is even a bit ironic as it is the exact type of inane gibbering outrage that made having Punk on a PPV result in a financial windfall for the UFC.