Sean R

Well no, why would you even mention credit for the NCAA and not mention the extraordinary effort by activists to push for this decision. The adverse market conditions for bigotry are not natural or random, but instead represent the dedicated work of hundreds of thousands of people.

But... it is. Do you really want to go down the road of denying folks’ any happiness about a positive policy change unless an entire state of bad policy decisions is changed? Because that seems dumb.

Ummm, I think girls brought up in a community where they will be forced into polygamous marriage with a much older man (which is a thing that DOES happen, still) would probably say that “no one is forcing a poly marriage on anyone” is a pretty dumb, hugely shithead thing to say!

Your smugness is such transparently thin gruel, you are wasting away into a little puddle of liquid shit.

You are a fucking stalker. Every bad thing you’ve experienced in your life from now til the end is deserved.

No, fuck you. You are using a person’s death to congratulate yourself for how you are more respectful than the person’s family. What you are now is shit. Just bloody shit somehow given lungs to scream your bloody shittiness out into the world. Break your goddamned fingers, you don’t deserve typing time anymore.

This post smells so bad of adolescent poser BO it is like someone broke their cat piss aquarium and left it in a panic for a week in a locked house in the summer.

Or start murdering apologist fans for shitty behaviour.

You have dumb ideas bubbling from your ravaged brain. Fix it with a power drill.

Note that Johnson’s actual Syria puzzle is a less sketched out version of Trump’s: give Russia the go ahead to bomb the fuck out of ISIS-controlled cities regardless of civilians and stop doing anything to prevent Assad from launching gas attacks.

Based on what? What condescending fucking bullshit, barely disguised racism.

Yeah, no progress was ever made by rudeness or yelling, right? God, the problem is not too many people dying of painful, humiliating cancers, just the wrong ones.

It is because they are more likely to be rich off of a system designed specifically to support their privilege.

A) Fuck you, disingenuous fuck huffing the fetid farts of your own pathetically misaimed moralism.

Maybe people should be less nice to racist misogynists while they are alive, as well as after they are whimpering fuck.

I’m so sorry for you at this time. Perhaps choke on shit and join her in hell?

God, what a wuss sentiment from you. You must have been terrible to play with. Little shitbabies whom “get a bit out of hand” and expect their teammates to deal with the blowback. Everyone on both teams wish you’d get an aneurysm.

You realise that they use Spanish language videos to get around imbedding blackouts, right?


You are being insanely hostile. It is gross.