Sean R

A) Hey, tell my mom who left her home at three after seeing a man shot in front of her by army officers, who lived in her uncle’s small basement with her parents. who got called spic every day as she tried to learn a new language, about who is and isn’t Latinx. Hell, you already told me that I can’t be Latinx or an

I do not believe Stein is anymore capable of addressing this than Hillary. She has not emphasised immigration (probably because she doesn’t want to scare her overwhelmingly shite support), she does not have any real ties to immigrant communities, and she has not made as many direct pledges to groups crucial to her

I am talking about before she entered political office and before Bill Clinton was running for office. Were you not paying attention? It really seems like you are ignoring anything other than your own poorly informed perspective.

Because Hillary is performing better than Gore at this point in swing states and is about even in the popular vote?

Thanks for reading my old posts! Not crazy at all or a sign that I am living in your head. Have fun with the impotent rage at me!

You mean her history of decades of registering Latinx voters?

Are you basimg that presumption on me posting here... literally doing the same thing as you are doing right now? That is pretty rich for someone who research extends no further than the third result of a google search for “hillary syria”, huh?

Well no, fuckwit, I was simply using some illustrative examples. Also - and this really goes to your basic comprehension skills - I mentioned three elections.

Wow, an op-ed by a fuckwad who thought it was a great idea to rapidly privatise Eastern European economies after the end of the Cold War and dump cash into Africa with shit planning that ended up having really pathetic returns who doesn’t mention the goddamned president once when discussing American foreign policy! I

Right, I should trust a mediocre third-party gadfly over someone whose election (and reelection) will depend on Latinx voters far more than Obama’s did and who has been organising Latinx voters since she worked Texas for McGovern. That’s probably why she beat Obama by a 2:1 ratio in the 2008 election amongst Latinx

That is not what your article actually says, you fucking dolt. Ignoring the fact that this is a single researcher who is not going through a peer review process who acts as though the only adverse result possible from HPV is cervical cancer and has no actual estimate of the risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine or

Especially since it is such a battle to convince parents to get the vaccines since they assume that their daughter will never face potential exposure! Young teens who choose to have sex (I am not speaking about true consent here to be clear) are not great at using protection, plus the unavoidable spectre of possible

Nader was polling at about 4% in aggregate at this time in 2000, with far, far more public recognition. Gore was also polling at or below where Hillary is now (though Bush was doing considerably better than Trump).

Well you say that, but the problem is that it idiotic. The American party system features broad coalitions and, particularly the Democrats, this means that the policy preferences of any individual member, even the presidential candidate, are not and in fact cannot be determinative for every other member. This is

That poll is limited to Texas.

Yes, Hillary Clinton is solely responsible for every foreign policy decision made in the last forty years. Fuck you for using the bombing of children to jerk yourself off ideologically.

It doesn’t pain you to say shit as you are clearly getting off on your own sense of outrage and superiourity. Fuck you.

The Green Party will get less than 1% full stop. The phenomenon of elevated polling numbers for third party candidates relative to actual election results is really, really well established.

Which may need to be redone every five years and should still be given to girls because guess what? There are girls who will get HPV before they become teenagers and the consequences can be fucking horrendous. Fuck you for being totally disengenuous.

Weird, I was talking with your twin and they said the exact opposite.