Sean R

Broad City! And Idiotsitter!

Yeah, how dare someone who will never face any consequences for the things they do face an incredibly tiny amount of shame. How will she live with herself?????

So you are saying that we need to kill seven people and not just the one, eh? Makes sense.

Don’t wield your mediocrity like a weapon for it is mighty limp.

Good job equating forwarding an email to rape in order to use an unrelated story to attack the first female major party candidate for president.

Hope that everyone fucking dies, dolt.

Christ: debates have only a moderate impact on voter decisions past a week. Talking about media narratives about them is like huffing the farts of farts. You are cosplaying as a dreary hack offering the sort of anti-knowledge static that surrounds coverage of elections. Nip it in the bud by sewing your lips shut and

Having often landing face first onto concrete after jumping out of ninth floor windows, I don’t think water is all that hard.

It turns out that when a healthy portion of your religion is required to go on missions, a lot of the missionaries end up going to the balmy South Pacific.

Watching Bailey’s win and its exorcism of how shitty it felt as a kid when Johnson pissed hot produced maybe my only moment of earnestness as a sullen teen.

Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure he just grabbed the nearest metaphor to describe the confusing ways his body reacted to your post. If he offered a second line, I’m sure it would involve the phrase “dry firing”.

C’mon, ‘84 counts as half medals.

Oh snookums, I know whining about seeing opinions you are scared of is your cowardly praxis, but it really is a bit juvenile and sad.

You have a real sad aura of defensiveness that seems to define how you see the world. Maybe it is because the racism that your parents drilled into you is increasingly revealed to be insane and pathetic and the cognitive dissonance you carry around is to much of a burden for you.

Really, you didn’t like it when I made fun of you? Better put that in your yelp review, ineffectual dolt. LAAAAAST WOOOOOOORD

Nah, you’ll have to start paying me to domme you.

Yeah, those dumb Puerto Ricans! Certainly in no way is the actual history of imperialism and Puerto Rico, the complex political divisions on the island, or how mainlanders have fucked with the question relevant. It is simply their capricious Latin nature, right?

So now I’ve turned you into a sarcastic scoreboard? Holy fuck do you not have even the tiniest semblance of self-respect.

Nah, you don’t deserve the good stuff, pisspig. People like you have to pay.

That ignores the context. One is an article specifically largely about Manuel’s achievement, while another is about massively dominating record breaking wins. Ledecky belongs in the second article but it is pretty condescending to Manuel to conflate her first gold medal with the other athletes: Ledecky breaks a world