Sean R

I hate to body snark, but either Pence has a terrible tailor or a non-euclidean torso. It has been the same for at least fifteen years, so I don’t think it is due to weight changes.

If management and Subban were at an impasse, than the commonsensical solution for the ownership should have been to fire their management.

Revolutionary social change will never come from the ballot box, but that just means the opportunity to vote - which has never had cheaper information costs to learn about and determine one’s preference - is of less, but not no utility. Using the meagre tools of basic self-preservation as a member of the polis, along

Your parents’ DVR list the Award Show. No point making fun of the moms beyond that. If you care at all about the Emmys you need to be payed by a tv show or paid to write about it, because it truly is an award show for the inane.

Or kind of a judgemental fuck who demands a perfect customer service out of inane greed and a totally out of touch attitude.

Oh thank god you were able to lift your head from your endless task of peering over the exact rankings of all human beings to let us know we are in err.

I was really happy to see how Milos behaved under pressure during the Fed match. I wanted Roger to win so goddamned bad, but Raonic is going to be the first Canadian slam champ at some point and it is fun to see make the step up.

You dumb as fuck too. No one needs your opinion, you see. When you get confused and think that you have something to share, remember that you are the runoff juice dripping from the metaphorical garbage that is your absolutely shitty set of parents.

You dumb as fuck. How the fuck did you figure out what a keyboard was?


Meow meow child. Meow meow.

I’m sorry that you see all social interactions through the prism of what you experienced in grade school. It was terrible and not something to joke about but hon? Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

The draft has down a terible job at parity and, given that it has certainly had its chance at improving parity and failed, that should not be used as a justification for capping the earning potential of players for years and years below their market rate.

That makes sense if you are completely ignorant about its source. But if that were the case, you’d be some poorly informed moron talking without a goddamned thought worth sharing, mooning on for the goddamned boot to the teeth you deserve.

You are empirically wrong here, you fucking moron. Rarely has a internet handle been so goddamned ironic.

Hahahhahaahhaa, you could fill your mouth to the fucking brim with feces and you wouldn’t be more full of shit this comment that you wrote. Apologise for making an empirically dumb as fuck post then cut off your fucking fingers. You are done.

My pity for this fuck - a thin, ratty cord - is the only leash on my disgust.

You have never read their founding documents. You are almost certainly not eligible to vote. The comment section in this thread is more social interaction than you’ve experienced in a week in your real life.

Do not hold your vote hostage and expect people to treat you like an adult.

You assume that the woman is not having any fun AND is doing something shameful. She has the girls out and a millionaire sports goof is carrying her around. That sounds fun as hell for her and an awesome story to boot.